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Name: Effusibacillaceae Chuvochina et al. 2024
Etymology:’ae. N.L. masc. n. Effusibacillus, type genus of the family; L. fem. pl. n. suff. -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Effusibacillaceae, family of the genus Effusibacillus
Type genus: Effusibacillus Watanabe et al. 2014
Effective publication:
Chuvochina M, Mussig AJ, Chaumeil PA, Skarshewski A, Rinke C, Parks DH, Hugenholtz P. Proposal of names for 329 higher rank taxa defined in the Genome Taxonomy Database under two prokaryotic codes. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2023; 0:0.
IJSEM list:
Oren A, Göker M. Validation list no. 215. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6173.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP
Correct name: Alicyclobacillaceae da Costa and Rainey 2010
Name | Kind |
Tumebacillaceae Chuvochina et al. 2024 | heterotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Kyrpidiaceae Chuvochina et al. 2024 | heterotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Alicyclobacillaceae da Costa and Rainey 2010 | heterotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Sulfoacidibacillaceae Li et al. 2024 | heterotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Parent taxon: Caryophanales Peshkoff 1939 (Approved Lists 1980)
Assigned by:
LPSN automated production system. The following publication is only one of the sources consulted.
It may or may not mention this taxon name. —
Tindall BJ. When treated as heterotypic synonyms the names Caryophanaceae Peshkoff 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) and Caryophanales Peshkoff 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) have priority over the names Planococcaceae Krasil'nikov 1949 (Approved Lists 1980) and Bacillales Prevot 1953 (Approved Lists 1980) and Bacillales Prevot 1953 (Approved Lists 1980), respectively. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2019; 69:2187-2195.
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Record number: 43551