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Name: Rectinemataceae Brune et al. 2022
Etymology:’ae. N.L. neut. n. Rectinema, type genus of the family; L. fem. pl. n. suff. -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Rectinemataceae, the family Rectinema
Type genus: Rectinema Koelschbach et al. 2017
Valid publication:
Brune A, Song Y, Oren A, Paster BJ. A new family for 'termite gut treponemes': description of Breznakiellaceae fam. nov., Gracilinema caldarium gen. nov., comb. nov., Leadbettera azotonutricia gen. nov., comb. nov., Helmutkoenigia isoptericolens gen. nov., comb. nov., and Zuelzera stenostrepta gen. nov., comb. nov., and proposal of Rectinemataceae fam. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5439.
IJSEM list:
Oren A, Garrity GM. Notification list. Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 72, part 5 of the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5476.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP
Correct name: Treponemataceae Robinson 1948 (Approved Lists 1980)
Name | Kind |
Treponemataceae Robinson 1948 (Approved Lists 1980) | heterotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Parent taxon: Spirochaetales Buchanan 1917 (Approved Lists 1980)
Assigned by: LPSN automated production system. The following publication is only one of the sources consulted. It may or may not mention this taxon name. — Robinson GH. Family II. Treponemataceae Schaudinn. In: Breed RS, Murray EGD, Hitchens AP (eds), Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed., The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1948, p. 1051-1058.
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Record number: 26433