Effective publication:
Arahal DR, Castillo AM, Ludwig W, Schleifer KH, Ventosa A. Proposal of Cobetia marina gen. nov., comb. nov., within the family Halomonadaceae, to include the species Halomonas marina. Syst Appl Microbiol 2002; 25:207-211.
IJSEM list:
Anonymous. Validation list no. 88. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2002; 52:1915-1916.
Nomenclatural status:
validly published under the ICNP
Taxonomic status:
correct name
Romanenko et al. 2013
Romanenko LA, Tanaka N, Svetashev VI, Falsen E. Description of Cobetia amphilecti sp. nov., Cobetia litoralis sp. nov. and Cobetia pacifica sp. nov., classification of Halomonas halodurans as a later heterotypic synonym of Cobetia marina and emended descriptions of the genus Cobetia and Cobetia marina. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013; 63:288-297.
Euzeby JP. Notification list. Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 63, part 1 of the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013; 63:1211-1213. Notes:
⊕ Emendation accompanied by the proposal of 3 new species in the genus.
🚋 The type species of this genus has alternatively been placed in the genus Arthrobacter Conn and Dimmick 1947 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Cobet AB, Wirsen CJ, Jones GE. The effect of nickel on a marine bacterium, Arthrobacter marinus sp.nov. J Gen Microbiol 1970; 62:159-169.
🚋 The type species of this genus has alternatively been placed in the genus Deleya Baumann et al. 1983.Publication:
Baumann L, Bowditch RD, Baumann P. Description of Deleya gen. nov. created to accommodate the marine species Alcaligenes aestus, A. pacificus, A. cupidus, A. venustus, and Pseudomonas marina. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1983; 33:793-802.
🚋 The type species of this genus has alternatively been placed in the genus Halomonas Vreeland et al. 1980.Publication:
Dobson SJ, Franzmann PD. Unification of the genera Deleya (Baumann et al. 1983), Halomonas (Vreeland et al. 1980), and Halovibrio (Fendrich 1988) and the species Paracoccus halodenitrificans (Robinson and Gibbons 1952) into a single genus, Halomonas, and placement of the genus Zymobacter in the family Halomonadaceae. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1996; 46:550-558.
🚋 The type species of this genus has alternatively been placed in the genus Halomonas Vreeland et al. 1980.Publication:
Hebert AM, Vreeland RH. Phenotypic comparison of halotolerant bacteria: Halomonas halodurans sp. nov., nom. rev., comb. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1987; 37:347-350.
🚋 The type species of this genus has alternatively been placed in the genus Pseudomonas Migula 1894 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Baumann L, Baumann P, Mandel M, Allen RD. Taxonomy of aerobic marine eubacteria. J Bacteriol 1972; 110:402-429.
🙄 This taxon name is occasionally misprinted (or affected by an OCR error) in some sources as: "Cobertia".
🧔 This taxon was discussed in a meeting of a Taxonomic Subcommittee of the ICSP.Publication:
Oren A, Ventosa A. International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes Subcommittee on the taxonomy of Halobacteriaceae and Subcommittee on the taxonomy of Halomonadaceae. Minutes of the meeting 30 June 2010, Beijing, China. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2010; 60:2257-2259.
🧔 This taxon was discussed in a meeting of a Taxonomic Subcommittee of the ICSP.Publication:
Oren A, Ventosa A. International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes Subcommittee on the taxonomy of Halobacteriaceae and subcommittee on the taxonomy of Halomonadaceae. Minutes of the joint open meeting, 23 May 2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2016; 66:4291-4295.
🎰 The BRCs most frequently used for deposits in this group are: CCUG: 4; NRIC: 3; NCIMB: 1; ATCC: 1; CIP: 1; LMG: 1; CECT: 1; JCM: 1; DSM: 1; KCTC: 1.
Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 3 Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 5 Total number of child taxa: 5
Assigned by:
Arahal DR, Castillo AM, Ludwig W, Schleifer KH, Ventosa A. Proposal of Cobetia marina gen. nov., comb. nov., within the family Halomonadaceae, to include the species Halomonas marina. Syst Appl Microbiol 2002; 25:207-211.
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