Name: Polycyclovorans Gutierrez et al. 2021

Category: Genus

Proposed as: gen. nov.

Etymology: Gr. masc. adj. polys, numerous; Gr. masc. n. kyklos, circle or ring; N.L. masc. adj. suff. -vorus, devouring; N.L. masc. n. Polycyclovorans, degrading/devouring multiple-ring compounds

Gender: masculine (stem: Polycyclovorant-)

Type species: Polycyclovorans algicola Gutierrez et al. 2021

16S rRNA gene: Analyse FASTA

Effective publication: Gutierrez T, Green DH, Nichols PD, Whitman WB, Semple KT, Aitken MD. Polycyclovorans algicola gen. nov., sp. nov., an aromatic-hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacterium found associated with laboratory cultures of marine phytoplankton. Appl Environ Microbiol 2013; 79:205-214.

IJSEM list: Oren A, Garrity GM. Validation list no. 200. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021; 71:4846.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: correct name


Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 1
Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 1
Total number of child taxa: 1

Parent taxon: Nevskiaceae Henrici and Johnson 1935 (Approved Lists 1980)

Assigned by: Gutierrez T, Green DH, Nichols PD, Whitman WB, Semple KT, Aitken MD. Polycyclovorans algicola gen. nov., sp. nov., an aromatic-hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacterium found associated with laboratory cultures of marine phytoplankton. Appl Environ Microbiol 2013; 79:205-214.

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Record number: 20259
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