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Please sign and share this petition for a safe future of prokaryotic nomenclature and LPSN.
Name: Acetobacter sacchari Vu et al. 2020
Etymology: sac’cha.ri. N.L. gen. neut. n. sacchari, of sugar; N.L. neut. n. Saccharum, sugar cane, from which the two isolates were isolated
Type strain: BCC 67843; NRIC 977; TBRC 11175; VTCC 910031; VTH-Ai14
Conduct genome-based taxonomy at
16S rRNA gene: LC103252 Analyse FASTA
Effective publication: Vu HTL, Yukphan P, Bui VTT, Charoenyingcharoen P, et al. Acetobacter sacchari sp. nov., for a plant growth-promoting acetic acid bacterium isolated in Vietnam. Ann Microbiol 2019; 59:1155-1163.
IJSEM list: Oren A, Garrity GM. Validation list no. 192. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020; 70:1443-1446.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP
Taxonomic status: correct name
Parent taxon: Acetobacter Beijerinck 1898 (Approved Lists 1980)
Assigned by: Vu HTL, Yukphan P, Bui VTT, Charoenyingcharoen P, et al. Acetobacter sacchari sp. nov., for a plant growth-promoting acetic acid bacterium isolated in Vietnam. Ann Microbiol 2019; 59:1155-1163.
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Record number: 5404