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Please sign and share this petition for a safe future of prokaryotic nomenclature and LPSN.
Name: Bacteroides oulorum Shah et al. 1985
Etymology: ou.lo’rum. Gr. neut. n. oûlon, the gums; N.L. gen. neut. pl. n. oulorum, of the gums [probably better: ulorum]
Type strain: ATCC 43324; CCUG 54769; CIP 104477; DSM 19148; JCM 14966; NCTC 11871; WPH 179
See detailed strain information at
Conduct genome-based taxonomy at
16S rRNA gene: AB547702 Analyse FASTA
Valid publication: Shah HN, Collins MD, Watabe J, Mitsuoka T. Bacteroides oulorum sp. nov., a nonpigmented saccharolytic species from the oral cavity. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1985; 35:193-197.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP
Correct name: Prevotella oulorum corrig. (Shah et al. 1985) Shah and Collins 1990
Name | Kind |
Segatella oulorum (Shah et al. 1985) Hitch et al. 2023 | homotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Prevotella oulora (Shah et al. 1985) Shah and Collins 1990 | homotypic synonym, inaccurate spelling |
Prevotella oulorum corrig. (Shah et al. 1985) Shah and Collins 1990 | homotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Parent taxon: Bacteroides Castellani and Chalmers 1919 (Approved Lists 1980)
Assigned by: Shah HN, Collins MD, Watabe J, Mitsuoka T. Bacteroides oulorum sp. nov., a nonpigmented saccharolytic species from the oral cavity. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1985; 35:193-197.
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Record number: 783454