Species Clostridium asparagiforme

Name: Clostridium asparagiforme Mohan et al. 2007

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: as.pa.ra.gi.for’me. L. masc. n. asparagus, asparagus; L. adj. suff. -formis -is -e, -like, in the shape of; from L. fem. n. forma, figure, shape, appearance; N.L. neut. adj. asparagiforme, having the shape of asparagus stems

Gender: neuter

Type strain: CCUG 48471; DSM 15981; N6

16S rRNA gene: AJ582080 Analyse FASTA

Effective publication: Mohan R, Namsolleck P, Lawson PA, Osterhoff M, Collins MD, Alpert CA, Blaut M. Clostridium asparagiforme sp. nov., isolated from a human faecal sample. Syst Appl Microbiol 2006; 29:292-299.

IJSEM list: Euzeby JP. Validation list no. 117. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2007; 57:1933-1934.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: synonym

Correct name: Enterocloster asparagiformis (Mohan et al. 2007) Haas and Blanchard 2020

Risk group: 2

Parent taxon: Clostridium Prazmowski 1880 (Approved Lists 1980)

Assigned by: Mohan R, Namsolleck P, Lawson PA, Osterhoff M, Collins MD, Alpert CA, Blaut M. Clostridium asparagiforme sp. nov., isolated from a human faecal sample. Syst Appl Microbiol 2006; 29:292-299.

Linking: To permanently link to this page, use https://lpsn.dsmz.de/species/clostridium-asparagiformeLink copied to clipboard

Record number: 786676
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