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Name: "Candidatus Colinaster scatohippi" Gilroy et al. 2022
Etymology:’pi. Gr. gen. neut. n. skatos, dung; Gr. masc. n. hippos, horse; N.L. gen. n. scatohippi, associated with the faeces of horses
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Original publication:
Gilroy R, Leng J, Ravi A, Adriaenssens EM, Oren A, Baker D, La Ragione RM, Proudman C, Pallen MJ. Metagenomic investigation of the equine faecal microbiome reveals extensive taxonomic diversity. PeerJ 2022; 10:e13084.
Nomenclatural status: not validly published
Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)
Parent taxon: "Candidatus Colinaster" Gilroy et al. 2022
Assigned by:
Gilroy R, Leng J, Ravi A, Adriaenssens EM, Oren A, Baker D, La Ragione RM, Proudman C, Pallen MJ. Metagenomic investigation of the equine faecal microbiome reveals extensive taxonomic diversity. PeerJ 2022; 10:e13084.
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Record number: 35954