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Please sign and share this petition for a safe future of prokaryotic nomenclature and LPSN.
Name: Dysgonomonas hofstadii Lawson et al. 2010
Etymology: hof.stad’i.i. N.L. gen. masc. n. hofstadii, of Hofstad, named after Tor Hofstad, a Norwegian microbiologist, in recognition of his contributions to anaerobic microbiology
Type strain: CCM 7606; CCUG 54731; JCM 17038; MX 1040
See detailed strain information at
Conduct genome-based taxonomy at
16S rRNA gene: AB588022 Analyse FASTA
Effective publication: Lawson PA, Carlson P, Wernersson S, Moore ER, Falsen E. Dysgonomonas hofstadii sp. nov., isolated from a human clinical source. Anaerobe 2010; 16:161-164.
IJSEM list: Euzeby JP. Validation list no. 134. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2010; 60:1477-1479.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP
Taxonomic status: correct name
Parent taxon: Dysgonomonas Hofstad et al. 2000
Assigned by: Lawson PA, Carlson P, Wernersson S, Moore ER, Falsen E. Dysgonomonas hofstadii sp. nov., isolated from a human clinical source. Anaerobe 2010; 16:161-164.
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Record number: 788560