Name: "Exiguobacterium pavilionensis" White et al. 2013

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology:’sis. N.L. masc./fem. adj. pavilionensis, referring to Pavilion

Gender: neuter

Type strain: RW-2

Original publication: White RA, Grassa CJ, Suttle CA. Draft Genome Sequence of Exiguobacterium pavilionensis Strain RW-2, with Wide Thermal, Salinity, and pH Tolerance, Isolated from Modern Freshwater Microbialites. Genome Announc 2013; 1:0.

Nomenclatural status: not validly published

Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)

Parent taxon: Exiguobacterium Collins et al. 1984

Assigned by: White RA, Grassa CJ, Suttle CA. Draft Genome Sequence of Exiguobacterium pavilionensis Strain RW-2, with Wide Thermal, Salinity, and pH Tolerance, Isolated from Modern Freshwater Microbialites. Genome Announc 2013; 1:0.

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Record number: 11331
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