Effective publication:
Steinhaus EA. A Study of the Bacteria Associated with Thirty Species of Insects. J Bacteriol 1941; 42:757-790.
IJSEM list:
Skerman VBD, McGowan V, Sneath PHA. Approved lists of bacterial names. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1980; 30:225-420.
Nomenclatural status:
validly published under the ICNP
Taxonomic status:
correct name
Risk group:
😷 The risk group for Canada has been imported on 2024-02-27. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "Animal classification RG: 1 - Security sensitive biological agent: No - Terrestrial animal pathogen under Canadian Food Inspection Agency authority: No - Containment level: Containment Level 1". — The risk group for Swiss Confederation has been imported on 2024-02-01. The full classification is: risk group = 1. — The risk group for Germany has been imported on 2023-10-29. The full classification is: risk group = 1. — If in doubt, use the risk group given in the regulations for your country and, if these are not available, use the risk group given in the catalogue of the culture collection from which you have obtained or intend to obtain the strain.
🎓 Name mentioned 0 times in PubMed until 2024-03-27.
🧍 According to Ludwig et al. (2021), this "species affiliates with the Gammaproteobacteria, Enterobacteraceae and is a true member of Pantoea, and the sequence may need revision".Publication:
Ludwig W, Viver T, Westram R, Francisco Gago J, Bustos-Caparros E, Knittel K, Amann R, Rossello-Mora R. Release LTP_12_2020, featuring a new ARB alignment and improved 16S rRNA tree for prokaryotic type strains. Syst Appl Microbiol 2021; 44:126218.
🧍 Yarza et al. (2013) expected for accession JX986959, originating from the alleged type-strain deposit LMG 8364, an affiliation with Flavobacteriaceae (Bacteroidetes) but observed an affiliation with Enterobacteriaceae (Proteobacteria) and 99.9% similarity against Pantoea ananatis.Publication:
Yarza P, Sproer C, Swiderski J, Mrotzek N, Spring S, Tindall BJ, Gronow S, Pukall R, Klenk HP, Lang E, et al. Sequencing orphan species initiative (SOS): Filling the gaps in the 16S rRNA gene sequence database for all species with validly published names. Syst Appl Microbiol 2013; 36:69-73.
🧍 The 16S rRNA gene sequence of the type strain shows an unexpected affiliation with the family Enterobacteriaceae (99.9% similarity against Pantoea ananatis).Publication:
Yarza P, Sproer C, Swiderski J, Mrotzek N, Spring S, Tindall BJ, Gronow S, Pukall R, Klenk HP, Lang E, et al. Sequencing orphan species initiative (SOS): Filling the gaps in the 16S rRNA gene sequence database for all species with validly published names. Syst Appl Microbiol 2013; 36:69-73.