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Name: "Geobacillus mahadia" Mohtar et al. 2016
Nomenclatural type: DSM 29729; Geo-05
16S rRNA gene:
Original publication:
Mohtar NS, Abdul Rahman MB, Raja Abd Rahman RN, Leow TC, Salleh AB, Mat Isa MN. Expression and characterization of thermostable glycogen branching enzyme from Geobacillus mahadia Geo-05. PeerJ 2016; 4:e2714.
Nomenclatural status: not validly published
Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)
Parent taxon: Geobacillus Nazina et al. 2001
Assigned by:
Mohtar NS, Abdul Rahman MB, Raja Abd Rahman RN, Leow TC, Salleh AB, Mat Isa MN. Expression and characterization of thermostable glycogen branching enzyme from Geobacillus mahadia Geo-05. PeerJ 2016; 4:e2714.
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Record number: 14149