Name: Geobacillus uzenensis Nazina et al. 2001

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: u.zen.en’sis. N.L. masc. adj. uzenensis, pertaining to Uzen, referring to the Uzen oilfield, Kazakhstan, from where the type strain was isolated [probably better: uzensis]

Gender: masculine

Type strain: AS 12674; DSM 13551; DSM 23175; U; VKM B-2229

16S rRNA gene: AF276304 Analyse FASTA

Valid publication: Nazina TN, Tourova TP, Poltaraus AB, Novikova EV, Grigoryan AA, Ivanova AE, Lysenko AM, Petrunyaka VV, Osipov GA, Belyaev SS, et al. Taxonomic study of aerobic thermophilic bacilli: descriptions of Geobacillus subterraneus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Geobacillus uzenensis sp. nov. from petroleum reservoirs and transfer of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Bacillus thermocatenulatus, Bacillus thermoleovorans, Bacillus kaustophilus, Bacillus thermodenitrificans to Geobacillus as the new combinations G. stearothermophilus, G. th. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2001; 51:433-446.

IJSEM list: Anonymous. Notification list. Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 51, part 2 of the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2001; 51:795-796.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: correct name

Risk group: 1

Parent taxon: Geobacillus Nazina et al. 2001

Assigned by: Nazina TN, Tourova TP, Poltaraus AB, Novikova EV, Grigoryan AA, Ivanova AE, Lysenko AM, Petrunyaka VV, Osipov GA, Belyaev SS, et al. Taxonomic study of aerobic thermophilic bacilli: descriptions of Geobacillus subterraneus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Geobacillus uzenensis sp. nov. from petroleum reservoirs and transfer of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Bacillus thermocatenulatus, Bacillus thermoleovorans, Bacillus kaustophilus, Bacillus thermodenitrificans to Geobacillus as the new combinations G. stearothermophilus, G. th. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2001; 51:433-446.

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