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Name: "Halorubrum sfaxense" Trigui et al. 2011
Etymology: sfax.en’se. N.L. neut. adj. sfaxense, pertaining to Sfax, where the strain was isolated from a solar saltern
16S rRNA gene: GU724599 Analyse FASTA
Original publication: Trigui H, Masmoudi S, Brochier-Armanet C, Maalej S, Dukan S. Characterization of Halorubrum sfaxense sp. nov., a New Halophilic Archaeon Isolated from the Solar Saltern of Sfax in Tunisia. Int J Microbiol 2011; 2011:240191.
Nomenclatural status: not validly published
Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)
Parent taxon: Halorubrum McGenity and Grant 1996
Assigned by: Trigui H, Masmoudi S, Brochier-Armanet C, Maalej S, Dukan S. Characterization of Halorubrum sfaxense sp. nov., a New Halophilic Archaeon Isolated from the Solar Saltern of Sfax in Tunisia. Int J Microbiol 2011; 2011:240191.
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Record number: 1678