Name: Nodosilinea cocleata corrig. Nuryadi et al. 2024

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: coc.le.a’ta. L. fem. adj. cocleata, spiral or screw formed

Gender: feminine

Holotype: Ru1-11; RYU A0060

16S rRNA gene: LC731255 Analyse FASTA

Valid publication: Nuryadi H, Sumimoto S, Suda S. Discovery of novel Nodosilinea species (Cyanobacteria, Nodosilineales) isolated from terrestrial habitat in Ryukyus campus, Okinawa, Japan. Algae 2024; 39:59-74.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code)

Taxonomic status: correct name

Parent taxon: Nodosilinea Perkerson and Casamatta 2011

Assigned by: Nuryadi H, Sumimoto S, Suda S. Discovery of novel Nodosilinea species (Cyanobacteria, Nodosilineales) isolated from terrestrial habitat in Ryukyus campus, Okinawa, Japan. Algae 2024; 39:59-74.

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