Species Oceaniglobus roseus

Name: Oceaniglobus roseus (Wang et al. 2018) Huang et al. 2024

Category: Species

Proposed as: comb. nov.

Basonym: Kandeliimicrobium roseum Wang et al. 2018

Etymology: ro’se.us. L. masc. adj. roseus, pink, rose-, colored, rosy

Gender: masculine

Type strain: DSM 104294; KCTC 52266; MCCC 1K01498; XY-R6

16S rRNA gene: KT886061 Analyse FASTA

Effective publication: Huang Z, Li M, Oren A, Lai Q. Genome-based analysis of the family Paracoccaceae and description of Ostreiculturibacter nitratireducens gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from an oyster farm on a tidal flat. Front Microbiol 2024; 15:1376777.

IJSEM list: Oren A, Göker M. Validation list no. 219. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6452.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: correct name

Parent taxon: Oceaniglobus Li et al. 2017

Assigned by: Huang Z, Li M, Oren A, Lai Q. Genome-based analysis of the family Paracoccaceae and description of Ostreiculturibacter nitratireducens gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from an oyster farm on a tidal flat. Front Microbiol 2024; 15:1376777.

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Record number: 48940
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