Name: "Oscillaria curviceps" (Agardh 1824) Gomont 1890

Category: Species

Proposed as: comb. nov.

Etymology: cur’vi.ceps. L. masc. adj. curvus, bent; L. suff. -ceps, head; N.L. fem. adj. curviceps, having a bent head

Gender: feminine

Original publication: Gomont M. Essai de classification des Nostocacées homocystées. Journal de Botanique [Morot] 1890; 4:349-357.

Nomenclatural status: not validly published

Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)

Parent taxon: "Oscillaria" Bosc 1803

Assigned by: Gomont M. Essai de classification des Nostocacées homocystées. Journal de Botanique [Morot] 1890; 4:349-357.

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