Effective publication:
Sawana A, Adeolu M, Gupta RS. Molecular signatures and phylogenomic analysis of the genus Burkholderia: proposal for division of this genus into the emended genus Burkholderia containing pathogenic organisms and a new genus Paraburkholderia gen. nov. harboring environmental species. Front Genet 2014; 5:429.
IJSEM list:
Oren A, Garrity GM. Validation list no. 164. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015; 65:2017-2025.
Nomenclatural status:
validly published under the ICNP
heterotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP
Madhaiyan et al. 2022
Madhaiyan M, Sriram S, Kiruba N, Saravanan VS. Genome-based Reclassification of Paraburkholderia insulsa as a Later Heterotypic Synonym of Paraburkholderia fungorum and Proposal of Paraburkholderia terrae subsp. terrae subsp. nov. and Paraburkholderia terrae subsp. steynii subsp. nov. Curr Microbiol 2022; 79:358. Notes:
🫂 Emendation accompanied by a proposal regarding the synonymy of the species.
🧍 As of 2022-10-20 this emendation was not yet included in an IJSEM List of Changes in Taxonomic Opinion.
⏰ According to Madhaiyan et al. (2022), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Burkholderiainsulsa Rusch et al. 2015.Publication:
Madhaiyan M, Sriram S, Kiruba N, Saravanan VS. Genome-based Reclassification of Paraburkholderia insulsa as a Later Heterotypic Synonym of Paraburkholderia fungorum and Proposal of Paraburkholderia terrae subsp. terrae subsp. nov. and Paraburkholderia terrae subsp. steynii subsp. nov. Curr Microbiol 2022; 79:358.
⏰ According to Madhaiyan et al. (2022), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Paraburkholderiainsulsa (Rusch et al. 2015) Dobritsa and Samadpour 2016.Publication:
Madhaiyan M, Sriram S, Kiruba N, Saravanan VS. Genome-based Reclassification of Paraburkholderia insulsa as a Later Heterotypic Synonym of Paraburkholderia fungorum and Proposal of Paraburkholderia terrae subsp. terrae subsp. nov. and Paraburkholderia terrae subsp. steynii subsp. nov. Curr Microbiol 2022; 79:358.
⏰ According to Mullins and Mahenthiralingam (2021), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Burkholderiainsulsa Rusch et al. 2015.Publication:
Mullins AJ, Mahenthiralingam E. The Hidden Genomic Diversity, Specialized Metabolite Capacity, and Revised Taxonomy of Burkholderia Sensu Lato. Front Microbiol 2021; 12:726847.
⏰ According to Mullins and Mahenthiralingam (2021), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Paraburkholderiainsulsa (Rusch et al. 2015) Dobritsa and Samadpour 2016.Publication:
Mullins AJ, Mahenthiralingam E. The Hidden Genomic Diversity, Specialized Metabolite Capacity, and Revised Taxonomy of Burkholderia Sensu Lato. Front Microbiol 2021; 12:726847.
🏢 Synonymy of this taxon was mentioned in an IJSEM list.Publication:
Oren A, Göker M. List of changes in taxonomic opinion no. 38. Notification of changes in taxonomic opinion previously published outside the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5923.
😷 The risk group for Germany has been imported on 2023-10-29. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "+". — If in doubt, use the risk group given in the regulations for your country and, if these are not available, use the risk group given in the catalogue of the culture collection from which you have obtained or intend to obtain the strain.
🎓 Name mentioned 16 times in PubMed until 2024-03-28.
Assigned by:
Sawana A, Adeolu M, Gupta RS. Molecular signatures and phylogenomic analysis of the genus Burkholderia: proposal for division of this genus into the emended genus Burkholderia containing pathogenic organisms and a new genus Paraburkholderia gen. nov. harboring environmental species. Front Genet 2014; 5:429.
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