Name:Pseudomonasperfectomarina (ex ZoBell and Upham 1944) Baumann et al. 1983
Category: Species
Proposed as: sp. nov., nom. rev.
Etymology:’na. L. masc. perf. part.perfectus, complete, perfect; L. fem. adj.marina, of the sea, marine; N.L. fem. adj.perfectomarina, completely marine
Valid publication:
Baumann P, Bowditch RD, Baumann L, Beaman B. Taxonomy of marine Pseudomonas species: P. stanieri sp. nov.; P. perfectomarina sp. nov., nom. rev.; P. nautica; and P. doudoroffii. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1983; 33:857-865.
Nomenclatural status:
validly published under the ICNP
homotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP
⏲ According to Döhler et al. (1987), this species is a later heterotypic synonym of "Bacteriumstutzeri" Lehmann and Neumann 1896.Publication:
Doehler K, Huss VAR, Zumft WG. Transfer of Pseudomonas perfectomarina Baumann, Bowditch, Baumann, and Beaman 1983 to Pseudomonas stutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Sidjerius 1946. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1987; 37:1-3.
⏲ According to Döhler et al. (1987), this species is a later heterotypic synonym of Pseudomonasstutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Sijderius 1946 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Doehler K, Huss VAR, Zumft WG. Transfer of Pseudomonas perfectomarina Baumann, Bowditch, Baumann, and Beaman 1983 to Pseudomonas stutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Sidjerius 1946. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1987; 37:1-3.
⏲ According to Döhler et al. (1987), this species is a later heterotypic synonym of Stutzerimonasstutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Lalucat et al. 2022.Publication:
Doehler K, Huss VAR, Zumft WG. Transfer of Pseudomonas perfectomarina Baumann, Bowditch, Baumann, and Beaman 1983 to Pseudomonas stutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Sidjerius 1946. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1987; 37:1-3.
⏲ According to Gomila et al. (2022), this species is not a later heterotypic synonym of "Bacteriumstutzeri" Lehmann and Neumann 1896.Publication:
Gomila M, Mulet M, Garcia-Valdes E, Lalucat J. Genome-Based Taxonomy of the Genus Stutzerimonas and Proposal of S. frequens sp. nov. and S. degradans sp. nov. and Emended Descriptions of S. perfectomarina and S. chloritidismutans. Microorganisms 2022; 10:0.
⏲ According to Gomila et al. (2022), this species is not a later heterotypic synonym of Pseudomonasstutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Sijderius 1946 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Gomila M, Mulet M, Garcia-Valdes E, Lalucat J. Genome-Based Taxonomy of the Genus Stutzerimonas and Proposal of S. frequens sp. nov. and S. degradans sp. nov. and Emended Descriptions of S. perfectomarina and S. chloritidismutans. Microorganisms 2022; 10:0.
⏲ According to Gomila et al. (2022), this species is not a later heterotypic synonym of Stutzerimonasstutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Lalucat et al. 2022.Publication:
Gomila M, Mulet M, Garcia-Valdes E, Lalucat J. Genome-Based Taxonomy of the Genus Stutzerimonas and Proposal of S. frequens sp. nov. and S. degradans sp. nov. and Emended Descriptions of S. perfectomarina and S. chloritidismutans. Microorganisms 2022; 10:0.
❗ Pseudomonasperfectomarina is the correct name instead if this species is regarded as a separate species (i.e., if its nomenclatural type is not assigned to another species whose name is validly published, legitimate and not rejected and has priority) within a separate genus Pseudomonas.
😷 The risk group for Belgium has been imported on 2024-02-01. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "plant pathogen - biological class of risk plant: 2". — The risk group for Canada has been imported on 2024-02-27. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "Animal classification RG: 1 - Security sensitive biological agent: No - Terrestrial animal pathogen under Canadian Food Inspection Agency authority: No - Containment level: Containment Level 1". — The risk group for Swiss Confederation has been imported on 2024-02-01. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "PIIC". — The risk group for Germany has been imported on 2023-10-29. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "+". — If in doubt, use the risk group given in the regulations for your country and, if these are not available, use the risk group given in the catalogue of the culture collection from which you have obtained or intend to obtain the strain.
🎓 Name mentioned 10 times in PubMed until 2024-03-27.
Assigned by:
Baumann P, Bowditch RD, Baumann L, Beaman B. Taxonomy of marine Pseudomonas species: P. stanieri sp. nov.; P. perfectomarina sp. nov., nom. rev.; P. nautica; and P. doudoroffii. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 1983; 33:857-865.
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