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Name: "Candidatus Rickettsia colombiensis" corrig. Miranda et al. 2012
Etymology:’sis. N.L. fem. adj. colombiensis, pertaining to Colombia
Original publication: Miranda J, Portillo A, Oteo JA, Mattar S. Rickettsia sp. strain colombianensi (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae): a new proposed Rickettsia detected in Amblyomma dissimile (Acari: Ixodidae) from iguanas and free-living larvae ticks from vegetation. J Med Entomol 2012; 49:960-965.
IJSEM list: Oren A, Garrity GM, Parker CT, Chuvochina M, Trujillo ME. Candidatus list no. 1. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020; 70:3956-4042.
Nomenclatural status: not validly published
Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)
Name | Kind |
"Candidatus Rickettsia colombianensi" Miranda et al. 2012 | other spelling of name, inaccurate spelling |
Parent taxon: Rickettsia da Rocha-Lima 1916 (Approved Lists 1980)
Assigned by: Miranda J, Portillo A, Oteo JA, Mattar S. Rickettsia sp. strain colombianensi (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae): a new proposed Rickettsia detected in Amblyomma dissimile (Acari: Ixodidae) from iguanas and free-living larvae ticks from vegetation. J Med Entomol 2012; 49:960-965.
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Record number: 22209