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Name: "Sapromyces laidlawi" Sabin 1941
Nomenclatural type: ATCC 23206; CIP 75.27; DSM 23060; IFO 14400; NBRC 14400; NCTC 10116
Conduct genome-based taxonomy at
16S rRNA gene:
Original publication:
Sabin AB. THE FILTRABLE MICROORGANISMS OF THE PLEUROPNEUMONIA GROUP: (Appendix to Section on Classification and Nomenclature). Bacteriol Rev 1941; 5:331-335.
Nomenclatural status: not validly published, basonym of name in Approved Lists
Taxonomic status: synonym (and no standing)
Correct name: Acholeplasma laidlawii (Sabin 1941) Edward and Freundt 1970 (Approved Lists 1980)
Name | Kind |
"Mycoplasma laidlawii" (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 | homotypic synonym, not validly published |
Acholeplasma laidlawii (Sabin 1941) Edward and Freundt 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) | homotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP |
Parent taxon: "Sapromyces" Sabin 1941
Assigned by:
Sabin AB. THE FILTRABLE MICROORGANISMS OF THE PLEUROPNEUMONIA GROUP: (Appendix to Section on Classification and Nomenclature). Bacteriol Rev 1941; 5:331-335.
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Record number: 4469