Original publication:
Oren A, da Costa MS, Garrity GM, Rainey FA, Rossello-Mora R, Schink B, Sutcliffe I, Trujillo ME, Whitman WB. Proposal to include the rank of phylum in the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015; 65:4284-4287.
heterotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP
🥇 Nomenclatural type of the phylum "Nitrospiraeota" Oren et al. 2015.Publication:
Oren A, da Costa MS, Garrity GM, Rainey FA, Rossello-Mora R, Schink B, Sutcliffe I, Trujillo ME, Whitman WB. Proposal to include the rank of phylum in the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015; 65:4284-4287.
🥇 Nomenclatural type of the phylum "Nitrospirota" Whitman et al. 2018.Publication:
Whitman WB, Oren A, Chuvochina M, da Costa MS, Garrity GM, Rainey FA, Rossello-Mora R, Schink B, Sutcliffe I, Trujillo ME, et al. Proposal of the suffix -ota to denote phyla. Addendum to 'Proposal to include the rank of phylum in the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes'. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2018; 68:967-969.
🥇 Nomenclatural type of the phylum "Nitrospirae" Garrity and Holt 2001.Publication:
Garrity GM, Holt JG. Phylum BVIII. Nitrospirae phy. nov. In: Boone DR, Castenholz RW, Garrity GM (eds), Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, second edition, vol. 1 (The Archaea and the deeply branching and phototrophic Bacteria), Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001, p. 451-464.
🧕 Cavalier-Smith and Chao (2020) assigned this class to the subphylum "Acidobacteria".Publication:
Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE. Multidomain ribosomal protein trees and the planctobacterial origin of neomura (eukaryotes, archaebacteria). Protoplasma 2020; 257:621-753.
🧒 Cavalier-Smith and Chao (2020) assigned the genus Leptospirillum (ex Markosyan 1972) Hippe 2000 to this class.Publication:
Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE. Multidomain ribosomal protein trees and the planctobacterial origin of neomura (eukaryotes, archaebacteria). Protoplasma 2020; 257:621-753.
🧒 Cavalier-Smith and Chao (2020) assigned the genus Nitrospira Watson et al. 1986 to this class.Publication:
Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE. Multidomain ribosomal protein trees and the planctobacterial origin of neomura (eukaryotes, archaebacteria). Protoplasma 2020; 257:621-753.
🛺 The type order of this class has been placed in the class Nitrospiria Garrity and Holt 2022.Publication:
Goker M. Filling the gaps: missing taxon names at the ranks of class, order and family. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5638.
🚃 The type order of this class has alternatively been placed in the class "Nitrospira" Garrity and Holt 2001.Publication:
Garrity GM, Holt JG. Phylum BVIII. Nitrospirae phy. nov. In: Boone DR, Castenholz RW, Garrity GM (eds), Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, second edition, vol. 1 (The Archaea and the deeply branching and phototrophic Bacteria), Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001, p. 451-464.
🧍 Considered not validly published (informal proposal for replacement name).Publication:
Oren A, Arahal DR, Goker M, Moore ERB, Rossello-Mora R, Sutcliffe IC. International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. Prokaryotic Code (2022 Revision). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5585.
🧍 The authors did not expliclty assign a nomenclatural type but since the class is suggested to form the nomenclatural type of the phylum Nitrospiraeota for replacing the phylum Nitrospira (Nitrospirae), Nitrospirales is the obvious choice.Publication:
Garrity GM, Holt JG. Phylum BVIII. Nitrospirae phy. nov. In: Boone DR, Castenholz RW, Garrity GM (eds), Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, second edition, vol. 1 (The Archaea and the deeply branching and phototrophic Bacteria), Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001, p. 451-464.
Assigned by:
LPSN automated production system. The following publication is only one of the sources consulted.
It may or may not mention this taxon name. —
Goker M. Filling the gaps: missing taxon names at the ranks of class, order and family. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5638.
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