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Name: Sutterellaceae Morotomi et al. 2011
Etymology:’ N.L. fem. dim. n. Sutterella, type genus of the family; L. fem. pl. n. suff. -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Sutterellaceae, the Sutterella family
Type genus: Sutterella Wexler et al. 1996
Valid publication: Morotomi M, Nagai F, Watanabe Y. Parasutterella secunda sp. nov., isolated from human faeces and proposal of Sutterellaceae fam. nov. in the order Burkholderiales. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2011; 61:637-643.
IJSEM list: Euzeby JP. Notification list. Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 61, part 3 of the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2011; 61:1237-1238.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP
Taxonomic status: correct name
Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 4
Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 4
Total number of child taxa: 6
Name | Nomenclatural status | Taxonomic status |
"Dakarella" Dione et al. 2017 | not validly published | preferred name (not correct name) |
"Duodenibacillus" Mailhe et al. 2017 | not validly published | preferred name (not correct name) |
Mesosutterella Sakamoto et al. 2018 | validly published under the ICNP | correct name |
Parasutterella Nagai et al. 2009 | validly published under the ICNP | correct name |
Sutterella Wexler et al. 1996 | validly published under the ICNP | correct name |
Turicimonas Lagkouvardos et al. 2017 | validly published under the ICNP | correct name |
Parent taxon: Burkholderiales Garrity et al. 2006
Assigned by: Morotomi M, Nagai F, Watanabe Y. Parasutterella secunda sp. nov., isolated from human faeces and proposal of Sutterellaceae fam. nov. in the order Burkholderiales. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2011; 61:637-643.
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Record number: 1899