Name: Calycomorphotria Schubert et al. 2021

Category: Genus

Proposed as: gen. nov.

Etymology:’tri.a. Gr. fem. n. kalyx, a bud; Gr. fem. n. morphôtria, a creator; N.L. fem. n. Calycomorphotria, a bacterium that generates buds

Gender: feminine (stem: Calycomorphotri-)

Type species: Calycomorphotria hydatis Schubert et al. 2021

16S rRNA gene: Analyse FASTA

Effective publication: Schubert T, Kallscheuer N, Wiegand S, Boedeker C, Peeters SH, Jogler M, Heuer A, Jetten MSM, Rohde M, Jogler C. Calycomorphotria hydatis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel species in the family Planctomycetaceae with conspicuous subcellular structures. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 2020; 113:1877-1887.

IJSEM list: Oren A, Garrity GM. Validation list no. 198. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021; 71:4688.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: correct name


Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 1
Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 1
Total number of child taxa: 1

Parent taxon: Planctomycetaceae Schlesner and Stackebrandt 1987

Assigned by: Schubert T, Kallscheuer N, Wiegand S, Boedeker C, Peeters SH, Jogler M, Heuer A, Jetten MSM, Rohde M, Jogler C. Calycomorphotria hydatis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel species in the family Planctomycetaceae with conspicuous subcellular structures. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 2020; 113:1877-1887.

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