Order "Candidatus Nanogingivales"

Name: "Candidatus Nanogingivales" McLean et al. 2020

Category: Order

Proposed as: Candidatus

Etymology: N.L. fem. pl. n. Nanogingivales, ales an order, the order-level lineage of genus Nanogingivalis.

Gender: feminine

Type genus: "Candidatus Nanogingivalis" McLean et al. 2020

Original publication: McLean JS, Bor B, Kerns KA, Liu Q, To TT, Solden L, Hendrickson EL, Wrighton K, Shi W, He X. Acquisition and Adaptation of Ultra-small Parasitic Reduced Genome Bacteria to Mammalian Hosts. Cell Rep 2020; 32:107939.

IJSEM list: Oren A, Garrity GM. Candidatus list no. 3. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5186.

Nomenclatural status: inaccurate spelling

Taxonomic status: misspelling (and no standing)

Preferred name: "Candidatus Nanogingivalales" corrig. McLean et al. 2020

Parent taxon: "Candidatus Nanosyncoccia" corrig. McLean et al. 2020

Assigned by: McLean JS, Bor B, Kerns KA, Liu Q, To TT, Solden L, Hendrickson EL, Wrighton K, Shi W, He X. Acquisition and Adaptation of Ultra-small Parasitic Reduced Genome Bacteria to Mammalian Hosts. Cell Rep 2020; 32:107939.

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Record number: 22795
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