Name: Anaerobutyricum hallii (Holdeman and Moore 1974) Shetty et al. 2018

Category: Species

Proposed as: comb. nov.

Basonym: Eubacterium hallii Holdeman and Moore 1974 (Approved Lists 1980)

Etymology: hall’i.i. N.L. gen. masc. n. hallii, of Hall, named for Ivan C. Hall, an American microbiologist

Gender: neuter

Type strain: ATCC 27751; DSM 3353; VPI B4-27

16S rRNA gene: L34621 Analyse FASTA

Valid publication: Shetty SA, Zuffa S, Bui TPN, Aalvink S, Smidt H, De Vos WM. Reclassification of Eubacterium hallii as Anaerobutyricum hallii gen. nov., comb. nov., and description of Anaerobutyricum soehngenii sp. nov., a butyrate and propionate-producing bacterium from infant faeces. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2018; 68:3741-3746.

IJSEM list: Oren A, Garrity GM. Notification list. Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 68, part 12 of the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2019; 69:600-601.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: correct name

Parent taxon: Anaerobutyricum Shetty et al. 2018

Assigned by: Shetty SA, Zuffa S, Bui TPN, Aalvink S, Smidt H, De Vos WM. Reclassification of Eubacterium hallii as Anaerobutyricum hallii gen. nov., comb. nov., and description of Anaerobutyricum soehngenii sp. nov., a butyrate and propionate-producing bacterium from infant faeces. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2018; 68:3741-3746.

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