Name:Desulfotomaculum Campbell and Postgate 1965 (Approved Lists 1980)
Category: Genus
Proposed as: gen. nov.
Etymology: L., from; L. neut. n.sulfur, sulfur (S); L. neut. n.tomaculum, a kind of sausage; N.L. neut. n.Desulfotomaculum, a sausage-shaped sulfate reducer
Effective publication:
Campbell LL, Postgate JR. Classification of the spore-forming sulfate-reducing bacteria. Bacteriol Rev 1965; 29:359-363.
IJSEM list:
Skerman VBD, McGowan V, Sneath PHA. Approved lists of bacterial names. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1980; 30:225-420.
Nomenclatural status:
validly published under the ICNP
Taxonomic status:
correct name
Risk group:
Widdel and Pfennig 1977
Widdel F, Pfennig N. A new anaerobic, sporing, acetate-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacterium, Desulfotomaculum (emend.) acetoxidans. Arch Microbiol 1977; 112:119-122. Notes:
⊕ Emendation accompanied by the proposal of 1 new species in the genus.
🧍 As of 2023-10-12 this emendation was not yet included in an IJSEM List of Changes in Taxonomic Opinion.
🥇 Nomenclatural type of the class Desulfotomaculia Chuvochina et al. 2024.Publication:
Chuvochina M, Mussig AJ, Chaumeil PA, Skarshewski A, Rinke C, Parks DH, Hugenholtz P. Proposal of names for 329 higher rank taxa defined in the Genome Taxonomy Database under two prokaryotic codes. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2023; 0:0.
🥇 Nomenclatural type of the family Desulfotomaculaceae Stackebrandt 2020.Publication:
Stackebrandt E. The emended family Peptococcaceae and description of the families Desulfitobacteriaceae, Desulfotomaculaceae, and Thermincolaceae. In: Rosenberg E, DeLong E, Lory S, Stacke- brandt E, Thompson F (eds), The Prokaryotes., Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2014, p. 286-290.
🥇 Nomenclatural type of the order "Desulfotomaculales" Watanabe et al. 2019.Publication:
Watanabe M, Fukui M, Kuever J. Desulfocucumaceae fam. nov. In: Anonymous NNe (eds), Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2019, p. 1-2.
🥇 Nomenclatural type of the order Desulfotomaculales Chuvochina et al. 2024.Publication:
Chuvochina M, Mussig AJ, Chaumeil PA, Skarshewski A, Rinke C, Parks DH, Hugenholtz P. Proposal of names for 329 higher rank taxa defined in the Genome Taxonomy Database under two prokaryotic codes. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2023; 0:0.
🧕 Chuvochina et al. (2023) assigned this genus to the class Desulfotomaculia Chuvochina et al. 2024.Publication:
Chuvochina M, Mussig AJ, Chaumeil PA, Skarshewski A, Rinke C, Parks DH, Hugenholtz P. Proposal of names for 329 higher rank taxa defined in the Genome Taxonomy Database under two prokaryotic codes. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2023; 0:0.
🧕 Chuvochina et al. (2023) assigned this genus to the order Desulfotomaculales Chuvochina et al. 2024.Publication:
Chuvochina M, Mussig AJ, Chaumeil PA, Skarshewski A, Rinke C, Parks DH, Hugenholtz P. Proposal of names for 329 higher rank taxa defined in the Genome Taxonomy Database under two prokaryotic codes. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2023; 0:0.
🧕 Stackebrandt (2014) assigned this genus to the family Desulfotomaculaceae Stackebrandt 2020.Publication:
Stackebrandt E. The emended family Peptococcaceae and description of the families Desulfitobacteriaceae, Desulfotomaculaceae, and Thermincolaceae. In: Rosenberg E, DeLong E, Lory S, Stacke- brandt E, Thompson F (eds), The Prokaryotes., Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2014, p. 286-290.
🚋 The type species of this genus has alternatively been placed in the genus Clostridium Prazmowski 1880 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Werkman CH, Weaver HJ. Studies in the bacteriology of suphur stinker spoilage of canned sweet corn. Iowa State Journal of Science 1927; 2:57-67.
🙄 This taxon name is occasionally misprinted (or affected by an OCR error) in some sources as: "Daulfotomaculum"; "Dcsulfolomaculuni"; "Dcsulfotomaculum"; "Desdfotomaculum"; "Desufotomaculum"; "Desugotomaculum"; "Desulfatomaculum"; "Desulfolomaculum"; "Desulforomaculum"; "Desulfotamaculum"; "Desulfotoinaculurn"; "Desulfotomacilum"; "Desulfotomacuium"; "Desulfotomaculm"; "Desulfotomacumum"; "Desulfotomaeulum"; "Desulfotomakulum"; "Desulfotommulum"; "Desulfotomnaculum"; "Desulfotomuculum"; "Desulfotoniaculum"; "Desulftotomaculum"; "Desuljotomaculum"; "Desultotomaculum"; "Desuvotomaculum"; "Deszdfotomaculum"; "Drsulfotomaculum"; "Duulfotomaculum"; "Llemlfotomaculum".
💁 Taxonomists who have recently focused on this group are the corresponding authors of Kaksonen et al. (2008). Editors in search of reviewers are advised to consider additional criteria such as whether a taxon is covered by one of the ICSP subcommittees.
🎰 The BRCs most frequently used for deposits in this group are: DSM: 34; ATCC: 12; JCM: 10; NBRC: 9; VKM: 6; KCTC: 4; NCIMB: 3; IFO: 1; CIP: 1; MCCC: 1.
😷 The risk group for Canada has been imported on 2024-02-27. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "Animal classification RG: 1 - Security sensitive biological agent: No - Terrestrial animal pathogen under Canadian Food Inspection Agency authority: No - Containment level: Containment Level 1". — If in doubt, use the risk group given in the regulations for your country and, if these are not available, use the risk group given in the catalogue of the culture collection from which you have obtained or intend to obtain the strain.
🧍 Pittman et al. (1991) suggested the abbreviation "DSMC" for this genus name but this does not appear to be of practical relevance any longer.Publication:
Pittman KF, Walczak CA, Lock CM. Codes and abbreviations for approved of effectively published names of genera of bacteria published from January 1980 to December 1990. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1991; 41:571-579.
Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 4 Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 36 Total number of child taxa: 38
Assigned by:
Watanabe M, Kojima H, Fukui M. Desulfotomaculum intricatum sp. nov., a sulfate reducer isolated from freshwater lake sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013; 63:3574-3578.
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