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Name: "Agromyces chromiiresistens" Liu et al. 2023
Etymology: N.L. neut. n. chromium, chromium (Cr) (Cr); L. pres. part. resistens, resisting; N.L. masc. part. adj. chromiiresistens, chromium resisting, denoting the type strain is chromium-resistant
Type strain: CGMCC 1.61332; H3Y2-19a; JCM 36199
Conduct genome-based taxonomy at
16S rRNA gene: OP493225 Analyse FASTA
Original publication: Liu ZS, Wang KH, Cai M, Yang ML, Wang XK, Ma HL, Yuan YH, Wu LH, Li DF, Liu SJ. Agromyces chromiiresistens sp. nov., Novosphingobium album sp. nov., Sphingobium arseniciresistens sp. nov., Sphingomonas pollutisoli sp. nov., and Salinibacterium metalliresistens sp. nov.: five new members of Microbacteriaceae and Sphingomonadaceae from polluted soil. Front Microbiol 2023; 14:1289110.
Nomenclatural status: not validly published
Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)
Parent taxon: Agromyces Gledhill and Casida 1969 (Approved Lists 1980)
Assigned by: Liu ZS, Wang KH, Cai M, Yang ML, Wang XK, Ma HL, Yuan YH, Wu LH, Li DF, Liu SJ. Agromyces chromiiresistens sp. nov., Novosphingobium album sp. nov., Sphingobium arseniciresistens sp. nov., Sphingomonas pollutisoli sp. nov., and Salinibacterium metalliresistens sp. nov.: five new members of Microbacteriaceae and Sphingomonadaceae from polluted soil. Front Microbiol 2023; 14:1289110.
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Record number: 39774