Species Shewanella loihica

Name: Shewanella loihica Gao et al. 2006

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: lo.i.hi’ca. N.L. fem. adj. loihica, of Loihi Seamount, where the type strain was isolated

Gender: feminine

Type strain: ATCC BAA-1088; DSM 17748; PV-4

16S rRNA gene: DQ286387 Analyse FASTA

Valid publication: Gao H, Obraztova A, Stewart N, Popa R, Fredrickson JK, Tiedje JM, Nealson KH, Zhou J. Shewanella loihica sp. nov., isolated from iron-rich microbial mats in the Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2006; 56:1911-1916.

IJSEM list: Euzeby JP. Notification list. Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 56, part 8 of the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2006; 56:2509-2510.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: correct name

Risk group: 1

Parent taxon: Shewanella MacDonell and Colwell 1986

Assigned by: Gao H, Obraztova A, Stewart N, Popa R, Fredrickson JK, Tiedje JM, Nealson KH, Zhou J. Shewanella loihica sp. nov., isolated from iron-rich microbial mats in the Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2006; 56:1911-1916.

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Record number: 785325
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