Effective publication:
Schleifer KH, Kraus J, Dvorak C, Kilpper-Balz R, Collins MD, Fischer W. Transfer of Streptococcus lactis and related streptococci to the genus Lactococcus gen. nov. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 1985; 6:183-195.
IJSEM list:
Anonymous. Validation list no. 20. Validation of publication of new names and new combinations previously effectively published outside the IJSB. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1986; 36:354-356.
Nomenclatural status:
validly published under the ICNP
homotypic synonym, validly published under the ICNP
📠 This subspecies was automatically created by the valid publication of Lactococcuslactis subsp. cremoris (Orla-Jensen 1919) Schleifer et al. 1986 according to rule 40d.Publication:
Schleifer KH, Kraus J, Dvorak C, Kilpper-Balz R, Collins MD, Fischer W. Transfer of Streptococcus lactis and related streptococci to the genus Lactococcus gen. nov. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 1985; 6:183-195.
📠 This subspecies was automatically created by the valid publication of Lactococcuslactis subsp. hordniae (ex Latorre-Guzman et al. 1977) Schleifer et al. 1986 according to rule 40d.Publication:
Schleifer KH, Kraus J, Dvorak C, Kilpper-Balz R, Collins MD, Fischer W. Transfer of Streptococcus lactis and related streptococci to the genus Lactococcus gen. nov. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 1985; 6:183-195.
😷 The risk group for Canada has been imported on 2024-02-27. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "biovar diacetylactis: 1 Animal classification RG: 1 - Security sensitive biological agent: No - Terrestrial animal pathogen under Canadian Food Inspection Agency authority: No - Containment level: Containment Level 1; default: 1 Animal classification RG: 1 - Security sensitive biological agent: No - Terrestrial animal pathogen under Canadian Food Inspection Agency authority: No - Containment level: Containment Level 1". — The risk group for Swiss Confederation has been imported on 2024-02-01. The full classification is: risk group = 1. — The risk group for Germany has been imported on 2023-10-29. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "+". — If in doubt, use the risk group given in the regulations for your country and, if these are not available, use the risk group given in the catalogue of the culture collection from which you have obtained or intend to obtain the strain.
🧍 Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (Lister 1873) Schleifer et al. 1986 encompasses: (1) the strains of Streptococcus lactis subsp. lactis (Lister 1873) Löhnis 1909; (2) the strains of Streptococcus lactis subsp. diacetilactis (ex Matuszewski et al. 1936) Garvie and Farrow 1982; and (3) the strains of Lactobacillus xylosus Kitahara 1938 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Kitahara K. Studies in lactic acid-forming bacteria in milk and milk products. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan 1938; 14:1449-1465.
🧍 In Validation List no. 20, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis is erroneously cited as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (Löhnis) Schleifer et al. 1986.Publication:
Euzeby JP, Kudo T. Corrigenda to the validation lists. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2001; 51:1933-1938.
Assigned by:
Schleifer KH, Kraus J, Dvorak C, Kilpper-Balz R, Collins MD, Fischer W. Transfer of Streptococcus lactis and related streptococci to the genus Lactococcus gen. nov. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 1985; 6:183-195.
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