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Name: Aphanizomenon Morren ex Bornet and Flahault 1886
Etymology: N.L. neut. n. Aphanizomenon, Histoire d’un genre nouveau de la tribu des Confervees, nomme par Vauteur Aphanizomene, in Memoires de l'Acad. royale de Belgique, 1838, X1, p. 11.
Gender: neuter (stem: Aphanizomen-)
Type species: Aphanizomenon flosaquae Ralfs ex Bornet and Flahault 1886
Valid publication: Bornet É, Flahault C. Revision des Nostocacées hétérocystées contenues dans les principaux herbiers de France (quatrième et dernier fragment). Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, Septième Série 1886; 7:177-262.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code)
Taxonomic status: correct name
Name | Kind |
"Limnochlide" Kützing 1843 | homotypic synonym, not validly published |
Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 17
Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 26
Total number of child taxa: 29
Name | Nomenclatural status | Taxonomic status |
Aphanizomenon americanum Reinhard 1941 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides (Forti 1911) Horecká and Komárek 1979 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon capricorni Cronberg and Komárek 2004 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
"Aphanizomenon cyaneum" Ralfs ex Bornet and Flahault 1886 | not validly published | preferred name (not correct name) |
Aphanizomenon elenkinii Kisselev 1951 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon favaloroi Otaño 2012 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon flexuosum Komárek and Kováčik 1989 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon flosaquae Ralfs ex Bornet and Flahault 1886 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon gracile Lemmermann 1907 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon holsaticum Richter 1896 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon hungaricum Komárková-Legnerová and Mátyás 1995 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon incurvum Morren ex Bornet and Flahault 1886 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi (Usachev 1938) Proshkina-Lavrenko 1968 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon kaufmannii Schmidle 1914 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon klebahnii (Elenkin 1909) Pechar and Kalina 1994 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon lacustre (Klebahn 1895) Migula 1905 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon ovalisporum Forti 1911 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon paraflexuosum Watanabe 1991 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon platense corrig. Seckt 1922 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon platensis Seckt 1922 | inaccurate spelling (ICN [Botanical Code]) | misspelling |
Aphanizomenon schindleri Kling et al. 1994 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon skujae Komárková-Legnerová and Cronberg 1992 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon slovenicum Rekar and Hindák 2002 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon sphaericum Kisselev 1955 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Aphanizomenon tropicale corrig. Horecká and Komárek 1979 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon tropicalis Horecká and Komárek 1979 | inaccurate spelling (ICN [Botanical Code]) | misspelling |
Aphanizomenon ussatchevii Proškina-Lavrenko 1968 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon volzii (Lemmermann 1905) Komárek 1984 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | synonym |
Aphanizomenon yezoense Watanabe 1991 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Parent taxon: Aphanizomenaceae corrig. Elenkin 1938
Assigned by: Komárek J, Kaštovský J, Mareš J, Johansen JR. Taxonomic classification of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacterial genera) 2014, using a polyphasic approach. Preslia 2014; 86:295-335.
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Record number: 6401