🧕 Luketa (2012) assigned this kingdom to the domain "Bacteriobiota" Luketa 2012.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the class Spirochaetes Cavalier-Smith 2002 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Chlorobi" Garrity and Holt 2001 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Acidobacteria" Thrash and Coates 2010 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Bacteroidetes" Krieg et al. 2010 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Chlamydiae" Garrity and Holt 2001 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Fibrobacteres" Garrity and Holt 2001 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Planctomycetes" Garrity and Holt 2001 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Spirochaetes" Garrity and Holt 2001 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the phylum "Proteobacteria" Gray and Herwig 1996 to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
🧒 Luketa (2012) assigned the superphylum "Spirochaetes" to this kingdom.Publication:
Luketa S. New views on the megaclassification of life. Protistology 2012; 7:218-237.
😟 A nomenclatural type has not been designated.
😴 The taxonomic category of this name is not currently in use in the LPSN hierarchy. For this reason, this name does not have a parent taxon and does not have child taxa.
To permanently link to this page, use https://lpsn.dsmz.de/kingdom/hydrobacteridaLink copied to clipboard