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Name: Cyanokybus Schiller 1956
Etymology:’bus. Gr. masc. n. kyanos, a blue dye; Gr. masc. n. kybos, die; N.L. masc. n. Cyanokybus, a blue die
Gender: masculine (stem: Cyanokyb-)
Type species: Cyanokybus venezuelae Schiller 1956
Valid publication: Schiller J. Die Mikroflora der Roten Tümpel auf den Koralleninseln Los Aves im karibischen Meer. In: Gessner F, Vareschi V (eds), Ergebnisse der deutschen limnologischen Venezuela-Expedition 1952. Bd 1 Vol. 1, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1956, p. 197-216.
Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code)
Taxonomic status: correct name
Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 1
Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 1
Total number of child taxa: 1
Name | Nomenclatural status | Taxonomic status |
Cyanokybus venezuelae Schiller 1956 | validly published under the ICN (Botanical Code) | correct name |
Parent taxon: Chroococcaceae Rabenhorst 1863
Assigned by:
Strunecky O, Ivanova AP, Mares J. An updated classification of cyanobacterial orders and families based on phylogenomic and polyphasic analysis. J Phycol 2023; 59:12-51.
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Record number: 6457