Species "Corynebacterium incognitum"

Name: "Corynebacterium incognitum" Boxberger et al. 2021

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: in.cog’ni.tum. L. neut. adj. incognitum, unknown

Gender: neuter

Nomenclatural type: CSUR Q3630; Marseille-3630T; Marseille Q3630

16S rRNA gene: MT772002 Analyse FASTA

Original publication: Boxberger M, Antezack A, Magnien S, Cassir N, La Scola B. Complete genome and description of Corynebacterium incognita sp. nov.: a new bacterium within the Corynebacterium genus. New Microbes New Infect 2021; 42:100893.

Nomenclatural status: not validly published

Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)

Parent taxon: Corynebacterium Lehmann and Neumann 1896 (Approved Lists 1980)

Assigned by: Boxberger M, Antezack A, Magnien S, Cassir N, La Scola B. Complete genome and description of Corynebacterium incognita sp. nov.: a new bacterium within the Corynebacterium genus. New Microbes New Infect 2021; 42:100893.

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Record number: 1727
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