Species "Halomonas aerodenitrificans"

Name: "Halomonas aerodenitrificans" Wang and Shao 2021

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: ae.ro.de.ni.tri’fi.cans. Gr. masc. n. aêr (gen. aeros), air; N.L. inf. v. denitrificare, to denitrify; N.L. fem. part. adj. aerodenitrificans, denitrifying with or in air

Gender: feminine

Nomenclatural type: CYD-9; KCTC 72088; MCCC 1A11058

16S rRNA gene: MW205680 Analyse FASTA

Original publication: Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol 2021; 12:652766.

Nomenclatural status: not validly published

Taxonomic status: synonym (and no standing)

Correct name: Billgrantia aerodenitrificans de la Haba et al. 2024

Parent taxon: Halomonas Vreeland et al. 1980

Assigned by: Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol 2021; 12:652766.

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Record number: 21038
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