Genus Komagataeibacter

Name: Komagataeibacter Yamada et al. 2013

Category: Genus

Proposed as: gen. nov.

Etymology: N.L. fem. n. Komagataea, Komagata (the name of a famous Japanese microbiologist); N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Komagataeibacter, a rod, which is named in honor of Dr. Kazuo Komagata, Professor, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, who contributed to the bacterial systematics, especially of acetic acid bacteria

Gender: masculine (stem: Komagataeibacter-)

Type species: Komagataeibacter xylinus (Brown 1886) Yamada et al. 2013

16S rRNA gene: Analyse FASTA

Effective publication: Yamada Y, Yukphan P, Lan Vu HT, Muramatsu Y, Ochaikul D, Tanasupawat S, Nakagawa Y. Description of Komagataeibacter gen. nov., with proposals of new combinations (Acetobacteraceae). J Gen Appl Microbiol 2012; 58:397-404.

IJSEM list: Euzeby JP. Validation list no. 149. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013; 63:1-5.

Nomenclatural status: validly published under the ICNP

Taxonomic status: correct name


Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 19
Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 19
Total number of child taxa: 19

Parent taxon: Acetobacteraceae (ex Henrici 1939) Gillis and De Ley 1980

Assigned by: Yamada Y, Yukphan P, Lan Vu HT, Muramatsu Y, Ochaikul D, Tanasupawat S, Nakagawa Y. Description of Komagataeibacter gen. nov., with proposals of new combinations (Acetobacteraceae). J Gen Appl Microbiol 2012; 58:397-404.

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