heterotypic synonym, not validly published, basonym of name in Approved Lists
Labeda et al. 2014
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
Oren A, Garrity GM. Notification list. Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 64, part 3 of the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:1827-1829. Notes:
🫂 Emendation accompanied by 4 proposals regarding the synonymy of the species.
Nouioui et al. 2018
Nouioui I, Carro L, Garcia-Lopez M, Meier-Kolthoff JP, Woyke T, Kyrpides NC, Pukall R, Klenk HP, Goodfellow M, Goker M. Genome-Based Taxonomic Classification of the Phylum Actinobacteria. Front Microbiol 2018; 9:2007.
Oren A, Garrity GM. List of changes in taxonomic opinion no. 29. Notification of changes in taxonomic opinion previously published outside the IJSEM. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2019; 69:13-32.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Streptomycesrangoon (Erikson 1935) Pridham et al. 1958 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of "Actinomycesalmquisti" Duché 1934.Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of "Actinomycesflocculus" Duché 1934.Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of "Actinomycesgibsonii" Erikson 1935.Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of "Actinomycesrangoon" Erikson 1935.Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Streptomycesalmquistii (Duché 1934) Pridham et al. 1958 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Streptomycesflocculus (Duché 1934) Waksman and Henrici 1948 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Streptomycesgibsonii (Erikson 1935) Waksman and Henrici 1948 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
⏰ According to Labeda et al. (2014), this species is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Streptomycesrangoonensis corrig. (Erikson 1935) Pridham et al. 1958 (Approved Lists 1980).Publication:
Labeda DP, Doroghazi JR, Ju KS, Metcalf WW. Taxonomic evaluation of Streptomyces albus and related species using multilocus sequence analysis and proposals to emend the description of Streptomyces albus and describe Streptomyces pathocidini sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64:894-900.
😷 The risk group for Canada has been imported on 2024-02-27. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "Animal classification RG: 1 - Security sensitive biological agent: No - Terrestrial animal pathogen under Canadian Food Inspection Agency authority: No - Containment level: Containment Level 1". — The risk group for Germany has been imported on 2023-10-29. The full classification is: risk group = 1. — The risk group for Taiwan has been imported on 2024-11-03. The full classification is: risk group = 1, note = "P650 = v". — If in doubt, use the risk group given in the regulations for your country and, if these are not available, use the risk group given in the catalogue of the culture collection from which you have obtained or intend to obtain the strain.
🎓 Name mentioned 488 times in PubMed until 2024-03-28.
🧍 According to Bartlett et al. (2022), this species is a putative human pathogen.Publication:
Bartlett A, Padfield D, Lear L, Bendall R, Vos M. A comprehensive list of bacterial pathogens infecting humans. Microbiology 2022; 168:0.
🧍 This name was treated in Judicial Opinion 29.Publication:
Judicial Commission. Judicial Opinion No. 29. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1963; 13:123-124.
Number of child taxa with a validly published and correct name: 0 Number of child taxa with a validly published name, including synonyms: 2 Total number of child taxa: 3