Species "Bacillus alkalisoli"

Name: "Bacillus alkalisoli" Liu et al. 2019

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: al.ka.li.so’li. N.L. neut. n. alkali, alkali (from Arabic al-qaliy) (indeclinable); L. neut. n. solum, soil (can be noun or adjective); N.L. gen. neut. n. alkalisoli, of alkaline soil

Gender: masculine

Nomenclatural type: CCTCC AB 2016232; DSM 1- 04056; DSM 104056; FJAT 45086

16S rRNA gene: KY612311 Analyse FASTA

Original publication: Liu GH, Narsing Rao MP, Dong ZY, Wang JP, Chen Z, Liu B, Li WJ. Two novel alkaliphiles, Bacillus alkalisoli sp. nov., and Bacillus solitudinis sp. nov., isolated from saline-alkali soil. Extremophiles 2019; 23:759-764.

Nomenclatural status: not validly published

Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)

Parent taxon: Bacillus Cohn 1872 (Approved Lists 1980)

Assigned by: Liu GH, Narsing Rao MP, Dong ZY, Wang JP, Chen Z, Liu B, Li WJ. Two novel alkaliphiles, Bacillus alkalisoli sp. nov., and Bacillus solitudinis sp. nov., isolated from saline-alkali soil. Extremophiles 2019; 23:759-764.

Linking: To permanently link to this page, use https://lpsn.dsmz.de/species/bacillus-alkalisoliLink copied to clipboard

Record number: 1506
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