Species "Bacillus agglomerans"

Name: "Bacillus agglomerans" Beijerinck 1888

Category: Species

Proposed as: sp. nov.

Etymology: ag.glo’me.rans. L. masc. part. adj. agglomerans, forming aggregations, in reference to the grouping of bacteria observed in the host cytoplasm

Gender: masculine

Nomenclatural type: ATCC 27155; CCUG 539; CDC 1461-67; CFBP 3845; CIP 57.51; DSM 3493; ICMP 12534; ICPB 3435; JCM 1236; LMG 1286; NBRC 102470; NCTC 9381

16S rRNA gene: AJ251466 Analyse FASTA

Original publication: Beijerinck MW. Cultur des Bacillus radicola aus den Knöllchen. Bot. Ztg. 1888; 46:740-750.

Nomenclatural status: not validly published, basonym of name in Approved Lists

Taxonomic status: synonym (and no standing)

Correct name: Pantoea agglomerans (Beijerinck 1888) Gavini et al. 1989

Parent taxon: Bacillus Cohn 1872 (Approved Lists 1980)

Assigned by: Beijerinck MW. Cultur des Bacillus radicola aus den Knöllchen. Bot. Ztg. 1888; 46:740-750.

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Record number: 4349
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