
Updated: December 14, 2009

Nomenclatural changes validly published (or published) in the 2009 issues of the IJSEM

(Volume 59 - Parts 1-12 - pp. 1-3184)

Number of names (new names, basonyms, synonyms, emended names, names in the category Phylum, names in the category Candidatus) cited in this file: 997


Official publication dates

Names of taxa included in categories covered by the Rules

Names of taxa included in the category Phylum (not covered by the rules)

Names of taxa included in the category Candidatus (not covered by the Rules)


Official publication dates


Names of taxa included in categories covered by the Rules

Acetobacterium carbinolicum Eichler and Schink 1985 emend. Paarup et al. 2006. (Part 7)

Acidilobaceae Prokofeva et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 12)

Acidilobales Prokofeva et al. 2009, ord. nov. (Part 12)

Acidilobus Prokofeva et al. 2000 emend. Prokofeva et al. 2009. (Part 12)

Acidilobus saccharovorans Prokofeva et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Acidimicrobiaceae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Acidimicrobiales Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Acidimicrobidae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Acidiplasma Golyshina et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Acidiplasma aeolicum Golyshina et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Acidiplasma cupricumulans (Hawkes et al. 2008) Golyshina et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Ferroplasma cupricumulans Hawkes et al. 2008. (Part 11)

Acidisoma Belova et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Acidisoma sibiricum Belova et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Acidisoma tundrae Belova et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Acidothermaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Acidovorax avenae (Manns 1909) Willems et al. 1992 emend. Schaad et al. 2008. (Part 7)

Acidovorax cattleyae (Pavarino 1911) Schaad et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Pseudomonas cattleyae (Pavarino 1911) Savulescu 1947 (Approved Lists 1980). (Part 5)

Acidovorax citrulli (Schaad et al. 1978) Schaad et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. citrulli Schaad et al. 1978 (Approved Lists 1980). (Part 5)

Acidovorax oryzae Schaad et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Acinetobacter beijerinckii Nemec et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Acinetobacter gyllenbergii Nemec et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Acinetobacter soli Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Acinetobacter venetianus Vaneechoutte et al. 2009 ex Di Cello et al. 1997, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Actinoallomurus Tamura et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus amamiensis Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus caesius Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus coprocola Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus fulvus Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus iriomotensis Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus luridus Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus purpureus Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus spadix (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Tamura et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Actinomadura spadix Nonomura and Ohara 1971 (Approved Lists 1980). (Part 8)

Actinoallomurus yoronensis Tamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Actinobacteridae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Actinocatenispora Thawai et al. 2006 emend. Seo and Lee 2009. (Part 12)

Actinocatenispora rupis Seo and Lee 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Actinomadura flavalba Qin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Actinomadura keratinilytica Puhl et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Actinomadura miaoliensis Tseng et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Actinomyces johnsonii Henssge et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Actinomyces massiliensis Renvoise et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Actinomyces naeslundii Thompson and Lovestedt 1951 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Henssge et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Actinomyces oris Henssge et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Actinomycetaceae Buchanan 1918 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Actinomycetales Buchanan 1917 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Actinomycineae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Actinoplanes sichuanensis Sun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Actinoplanes xinjiangensis Sun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Actinopolymorpha alba Cao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Actinopolysporaceae Zhi et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 3)

Actinopolysporineae Zhi et al. 2009, subord. nov. (Part 3)

Actinospicaceae Cavaletti et al. 2006 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Actinosynnemataceae Labeda and Kroppenstedt 2000 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Adhaeribacter terreus Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Advenella Coenye et al. 2005 emend. Gibello et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Advenella incenata Coenye et al. 2005 emend. Gibello et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Advenella kashmirensis (Ghosh et al. 2005) Gibello et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Tetrathiobacter kashmirensis Ghosh et al. 2005. (Part 8)

Advenella mimigardefordensis (Wübbeler et al. 2006) Gibello et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Tetrathiobacter mimigardefordensis Wübbeler et al. 2006. (Part 8)

Aequorivita Bowman and Nichols 2002 emend. Park et al. 2009. (Part 4)

Aequorivita capsosiphonis Park et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Afifella Urdiain et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Afifella marina (Imhoff 1984) Urdiain et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Rhodopseudomonas marina Imhoff 1984. (Part 5)

Afifella pfennigii (Caumette et al. 2007) Urdiain et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Rhodobium pfennigii Caumette et al. 2007. (Part 5)

Aidingimonas Wang et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Aidingimonas halophila Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Albidiferax corrig. Ramana and Sasikala 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Albidiferax ferrireducens corrig. (Finneran et al. 2003) Ramana and Sasikala 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Rhodoferax ferrireducens Finneran et al. 2003. (Part 11)

Alcanivorax hongdengensis Wu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Algoriphagus aquatilis Liu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Algoriphagus olei Young et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Aliagarivorans Jean et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Aliagarivorans marinus Jean et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Aliagarivorans taiwanensis Jean et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Alicyclobacillus aeris Guo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Alishewanella Fonnesbech Vogel et al. 2000 emend. Roh et al. 2009. (Part 2)

Alishewanella Fonnesbech Vogel et al. 2000 emend. Kim et al. 2009. (Part 9)

Alishewanella aestuarii Roh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Alishewanella jeotgali Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Alkalibacillus halophilus Tian et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Alkalibacterium kapii Ishikawa et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Alkalibacterium pelagium Ishikawa et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Alkalibacterium putridalgicola Ishikawa et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Alkalibacterium thalassium Ishikawa et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Alkaliphilus oremlandii Fisher et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Alkaliphilus peptidifermentans corrig. Zhilina et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Allochromatium phaeobacterium Srinivas et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Altererythrobacter marinus Lai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Amycolatopsis Lechevalier et al. 1986 emend. Lee 2009. (Part 6)

Amycolatopsis marina Bian et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Amycolatopsis ultiminotia Lee 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Anaerosphaera Ueki et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Anaerosphaera aminiphila Ueki et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Andreprevotia lacus Sheu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Aquabacterium fontiphilum Lin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Aquamicrobium aerolatum Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Aquamicrobium lusatiense (Fritsche et al. 1999) Kämpfer et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Defluvibacter lusatiensis corrig. Fritsche et al. 1999. (Part 10)

Aquitalea denitrificans Lee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Arcanobacterium abortisuis Azuma et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Arcicella rosea Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Arcobacter mytili Collado et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Arcobacter thereius Houf et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Arenimonas composti (Jin et al. 2007) Aslam et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Aspromonas composti Jin et al. 2007. (Part 12)

Arenimonas oryziterrae Aslam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Arthrobacter albidus Ding et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Arthrobacter alkaliphilus Ding et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Arthrobacter echigonensis Ding et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Arthrobacter niigatensis Ding et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Arthrobacter phenanthrenivorans Kallimanis et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Arthrobacter psychrochitiniphilus Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Arthrobacter sanguinis Mages et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Aspromonas Jin et al. 2007 pro synon. Arenimonas Kwon et al. 2007. (Part 12)

Azospirillum picis Lin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Bacillus acidiproducens Jung et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Bacillus alkalinitrilicus Sorokin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Bacillus aryabhattai Shivaji et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Bacillus beijingensis Qiu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Bacillus canaveralius Newcombe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Bacillus ginsengi Qiu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Bacillus isronensis Shivaji et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Bacillus korlensis Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Bacillus neizhouensis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Bacillus persepolensis Amoozegar et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Bacillus solisalsi Liu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Bacillus subtilis subsp. inaquosorum Rooney et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 10)

Bacteroides graminisolvens Nishiyama et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Bartonella coopersplainsensis Gundi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Bartonella queenslandensis Gundi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Bartonella rattaustraliani Gundi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Bavariicoccus Schmidt et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Bavariicoccus seileri Schmidt et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Beijerinckia doebereinerae Oggerin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Belliella pelovolcani Arun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Bermanella Pinhassi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Bermanella marisrubri Pinhassi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Beutenbergiaceae Zhi et al. 2009 emend. Hamada et al. 2009. (Part 11)

Beutenbergiaceae Zhi et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 3)

Bhargavaea Manorama et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Bhargavaea cecembensis Manorama et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Bifidobacteriaceae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Bifidobacteriales Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Bifidobacterium bombi Killer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Bifidobacterium mongoliense Watanabe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Bogoriellaceae Schumann and Stackebrandt 2000 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Bogoriellaceae Schumann and Stackebrandt 2000 emend. Hamada et al. 2009. (Part 11)

Bowmanella Jean et al. 2006 emend. Lai et al. 2009. (Part 7)

Bowmanella pacifica Lai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Brachymonas Hiraishi et al. 1995 emend. Halpern et al. 2009. (Part 12)

Brachymonas chironomi Halpern et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Bradyrhizobium jicamae Ramírez-Bahena et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi Ramírez-Bahena et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Brevibacillus panacihumi Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Brevibacteriaceae Breed 1953 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Brevibacterium massiliense Roux and Raoult 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Brevibacterium ravenspurgense Mages et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Brevundimonas bullata (Gray and Thornton 1928) Kang et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Mycoplana bullata Gray and Thornton 1928 (Approved Lists 1980). (Part 12)

Brevundimonas naejangsanensis Kang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Burkholderia contaminans Vanlaere et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Burkholderia lata Vanlaere et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Butyricimonas Sakamoto et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Butyricimonas synergistica Sakamoto et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Butyricimonas virosa Sakamoto et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Caldanaerovirga Wagner et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Caldanaerovirga acetigignens Wagner et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Caldimicrobium Miroshnichenko et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Caldimicrobium rimae Miroshnichenko et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Caldisericaceae Mori et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 11)

Caldisericales Mori et al. 2009, ord. nov. (Part 11)

Caldisericia Mori et al. 2009, class. nov. (Part 11)

Caldisericum Mori et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Caldisericum exile Mori et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Caldisphaeraceae Prokofeva et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 12)

Caloramator australicus Ogg and Patel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Campylobacter avium Rossi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Campylobacter cuniculorum Zanoni et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Campylobacter lari corrig. Benjamin et al. 1984 emend. Debruyne et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Campylobacter lari subsp. concheus Debruyne et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 5)

Campylobacter lari subsp. lari Benjamin et al. 1984, subsp. nov. (Part 5)

Campylobacter peloridis Debruyne et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Carboxydothermus siderophilus Slepova et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Carnobacterium jeotgali Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Castellaniella ginsengisoli Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Catenulisporaceae Busti et al. 2006 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Catenulisporineae Cavaletti et al. 2006 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Cellulomonadaceae Stackebrandt and Prauser 1991 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Cellulophaga tyrosinoxydans Kahng et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Chelonobacter Gregersen et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Chelonobacter oris Gregersen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Chitinilyticum Chang et al. 2007 emend. Chang et al. 2009. (Part 11)

Chitinilyticum litopenaei Chang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Chitiniphilus Sato et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Chitiniphilus shinanonensis Sato et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Chitinophaga niabensis Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Chitinophaga niastensis Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Chitinophaga rupis Lee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Chromobacterium piscinae Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Chromobacterium pseudoviolaceum Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Chryseobacterium Vandamme et al. 1994 emend. Kämpfer et al. 2009. (Part 10)

Chryseobacterium antarcticum (Yi et al. 2005) Kämpfer et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Sejongia antarctica Yi et al. 2005. (Part 9)

Chryseobacterium anthropi Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Chryseobacterium arothri Campbell et al. 2008 pro synon.Chryseobacterium hominis Vaneechoutte et al. 2007. (Part 4)

Chryseobacterium jeonii (Yi et al. 2005) Kämpfer et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Sejongia jeonii Yi et al. 2005. (Part 9)

Chryseobacterium koreense (Kim et al. 2004) Kämpfer et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Kaistella koreensis Kim et al. 2004. (Part 10)

Chryseobacterium marinum (Lee et al. 2007) Kämpfer et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Sejongia marina Lee et al. 2007. (Part 9)

Chryseobacterium piscicola Ilardi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Clostridium caenicola Shiratori et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Clostridium clariflavum Shiratori et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Clostridium lavalense Domingo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Clostridium sufflavum Nishiyama et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Clostridium sulfidigenes Sallam and Steinbüchel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Clostridium tagluense Suetin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Conexibacteraceae Stackebrandt 2005 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Congregibacter Spring et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Congregibacter litoralis Spring et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Corallococcus Reichenbach 2007 emend. Lang and Stackebrandt 2009. (Part 8)

Coriobacteriaceae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Coriobacteriales Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Coriobacteridae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Corynebacteriaceae Lehmann and Neumann 1907 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Corynebacterineae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Corynebacterium doosanense Lee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Corynebacterium freiburgense Funke et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Corynebacterium lubricantis Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Corynebacterium maris Ben-Dov et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Corynebacterium massiliense Merhej et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Corynebacterium timonense Merhej et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Corynebacterium ulceribovis Yassin 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Croceicoccus Xu et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Croceicoccus marinus Xu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Cryptosporangiaceae Zhi et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 3)

Deferribacter autotrophicus Slobodkina et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Deferribacteres Garrity and Holt 2001 emend. Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Defluvibacter Fritsche et al. 1999 pro synon. Aquamicrobium Bambauer et al. 1998. (Part 10)

Dehalogenimonas Moe et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Dehalogenimonas lykanthroporepellens Moe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Deinococcus aerius Yang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Deinococcus aquiradiocola Asker et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Deinococcus ficus Lai et al. 2006 emend. Kämpfer 2009. (Part 2)

Deinococcus gobiensis Yuan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Deinococcus mumbaiensis Shashidhar and Bandekar 2006 pro synon. Deinococcus ficus Lai et al. 2006. (Part 2)

Deinococcus piscis Shashidhar and Bandekar 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Deinococcus xinjiangensis Peng et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Delftia lacustris Jørgensen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Delftia tsuruhatensis Shigematsu et al. 2003 emend. Jørgensen et al. 2009. (Part 9)

Demequina lutea Finster et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Dermabacteraceae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Dermacoccaceae Schumann and Stackebrandt 2000 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Dermatophilaceae Austwick 1958 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Desmospora Yassin et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 3)

Desmospora activa Yassin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Desulfobotulus Kuever et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Desulfobotulus sapovorans (Widdel 1981) Kuever et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Desulfovibrio sapovorans Widdel 1981. (Part 5)

Desulfocurvus Klouche et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Desulfocurvus vexinensis Klouche et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Desulfoluna spongiiphila Ahn et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Desulfonauticus Audiffrin et al. 2003 emend. Mayilraj et al. 2009. (Part 7)

Desulfonauticus autotrophicus Mayilraj et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Desulfosporosinus youngiae Lee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Desulfovibrio aerotolerans Mogensen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Desulfovibrio idahonensis Sass et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Desulfovibrio marrakechensis Chamkh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Desulfovibrio paquesii van Houten et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Desulfovibrio tunisiensis Ben Ali Gam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Desulfurococcus kamchatkensis Kublanov et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Desulfuromonadaceae corrig. Kuever et al. 2006 emend. Greene et al. 2009. (Part 4)

Desulfuromonas michiganensis Sung et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Devosia albogilva Verma et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Devosia crocina Verma et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Diaphorobacter oryzae Pham et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Dietziaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Dokdonella Yoon et al. 2006 emend. Ten et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Dokdonella ginsengisoli Ten et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Dokdonella soli Yoo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Donghaeana Yoon et al. 2006 pro synon. Persicivirga O'Sullivan et al. 2006 [Rule 37(a)]. (Part 4)

Donghicola xiamenensis Tan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Dyadobacter alkalitolerans Tang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Dyella ginsengisoli Jung et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Dyella marensis Lee and Lee 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Dyella soli Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Dyella terrae Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Ectothiorhodospira variabilis Gorlenko et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Eggerthella Wade et al. 1999 emend. Würdemann et al. 2009. (Part 6)

Enterobacter oryzae Peng et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Enterorhabdus Clavel et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Enterorhabdus mucosicola Clavel et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Enterovibrio calviensis (Denner et al. 2002) Pascual et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Vibrio calviensis Denner et al. 2002. (Part 4)

Enterovibrio nigricans Pascual et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Erythrobacteraceae Lee et al. 2005 emend. Xu et al. 2009. (Part 9)

Falsibacillus Zhou et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Falsibacillus pallidus (Zhou et al. 2008) Zhou et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Illegitimate basonym: Bacillus pallidus Zhou et al. 2008. (Part 12)

Ferrimicrobium Johnson et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum Johnson et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Ferrithrix Johnson et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Ferrithrix thermotolerans Johnson et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Ferruginibacter Lim et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Ferruginibacter alkalilentus Lim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Ferruginibacter lapsinanis Lim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Fervidicola Ogg and Patel 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Fervidicola ferrireducens Ogg and Patel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Filimonas Shiratori et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Filimonas lacunae Shiratori et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Filomicrobium insigne Wu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Flavobacterium cauense Qu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Flavobacterium chungangense Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Flavobacterium reichenbachii Ali et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Flavobacterium rivuli Ali et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Flavobacterium sasangense Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. - Not validly published (Part 5)

Flavobacterium subsaxonicum Ali et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Flavobacterium swingsii Ali et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Flavobacterium tiangeerense Xin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Flectobacillus roseus Sheu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Fodinibacter Wang et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Fodinibacter luteus Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Fodinicurvata Wang et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Fodinicurvata fenggangensis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Fodinicurvata sediminis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Francisella noatunensis (Mikalsen et al. 2007) Ottem et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Francisella philomiragia subsp. noatunensis Mikalsen et al. 2007. (Part 7)

Francisella noatunensis subsp. noatunensis (Mikalsen et al. 2007) Ottem et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 7)

Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis Ottem et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 7)

Francisella piscicida Ottem et al. 2008 pro synon. Francisella philomiragia subsp. noatunensis Mikalsen et al. 2007. (Part 7)

Frankiaceae Becking 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Frankineae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Frondihabitans Greene et al. 2009, gen. nov. - Previous illegitimate name: Frondicola Zhang et al. 2007. (Part 2)

Frondihabitans australicus (Zhang et al. 2007) Greene et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Illegitimate basonym: Frondicola australicus Zhang et al. 2007. (Part 2)

Gallibacterium Christensen et al. 2003 emend. Bisgaard et al. 2009. (Part 4)

Gallibacterium melopsittaci Bisgaard et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Gallibacterium salpingitidis Bisgaard et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Gallibacterium trehalosifermentans Bisgaard et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Geoalkalibacter Zavarzina et al. 2007 emend. Greene et al. 2009. (Part 4)

Geoalkalibacter subterraneus Greene et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Geobacter lovleyi Sung et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Geodermatophilaceae Normand 2006 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Geoglobus acetivorans Slobodkina et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Georgenia thermotolerans Hamada et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Gilvimarinus Du et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Gilvimarinus chinensis Du et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Glaciecola lipolytica Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Glaciibacter Katayama et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 3)

Glaciibacter superstes Katayama et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Gluconacetobacter kombuchae Dutta and Gachhui 2007 pro synon. Gluconacetobacter hansenii corrig. (Gosselé et al. 1983) Yamada et al. 1998. (Part 7)

Gluconobacter japonicus Malimas et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Gluconobacter kanchanaburiensis Malimas et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Glycomyces mayteni Qin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Glycomyces scopariae Qin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Glycomycetaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Glycomycineae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Gordonia cholesterolivorans Drzyzga et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Gordonia hankookensis Park et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Gordonia kroppenstedtii Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Gordonia lacunae le Roes et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Gordonibacter Würdemann et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 6)

Gordonibacter pamelaeae Würdemann et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Gracilibacillus saliphilus Tang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Gracilimonas Choi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Gracilimonas tropica Choi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Halanaerobaculum Hedi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Halanaerobaculum tunisiense Hedi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Haliea rubra Urios et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Haloarcula Torreblanca et al. 1986 emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Halobacillus salsuginis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Halobacterium Elazari-Volcani 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Halobiforma Hezayen et al. 2002 emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Halococcus Schoop 1935 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Haloferax Torreblanca et al. 1986 emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Haloglycomyces Guan et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 6)

Haloglycomyces albus Guan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Halomonas fontilapidosi González-Domenech et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Halomonas ilicicola Arenas et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Halomonas zhanjiangensis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Halorubrum McGenity and Grant 1996 emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Halorubrum chaoviator Mancinelli et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Halorubrum cibi Roh and Bae 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Haloterrigena Ventosa et al. 1999 emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Haloterrigena jeotgali Roh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Helcobacillus Renvoise et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Helcobacillus massiliensis Renvoise et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Henriciella Quan et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Henriciella marina Quan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Herbidospora osyris Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Herminiimonas glaciei Loveland-Curtze et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Hirschia maritima Kang and Lee 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Hoyosella Jurado et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Hoyosella altamirensis Jurado et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Hydrogenoanaerobacterium Song and Dong 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Hydrogenoanaerobacterium saccharovorans Song and Dong 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Hymenobacter daecheongensis Xu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Hymenobacter deserti Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Iamia Kurahashi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 4)

Iamia majanohamensis Kurahashi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Iamiaceae Kurahashi et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 4)

Ideonella Malmqvist et al. 1994 emend. Noar and Buckley 2009. (Part 8)

Ideonella azotifigens Noar and Buckley 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Ilumatobacter Matsumoto et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Ilumatobacter fluminis Matsumoto et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Inhella Song et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Inhella inkyongensis Song et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Intrasporangiaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Janibacter hoylei Shivaji et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Jejuia Lee et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Jejuia pallidilutea Lee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Jeotgalicoccus marinus Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Jiangella alba Qin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Jonesiaceae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Kaistella Kim et al. 2004 pro synon. Chryseobacterium Vandamme et al. 1994. (Part 10)

Kiloniella Wiese et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Kiloniella laminariae Wiese et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Kiloniellaceae Wiese et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 2)

Kiloniellales Wiese et al. 2009, ord. nov. (Part 2)

Kineococcus rhizosphaerae Lee 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Kineococcus xinjiangensis Liu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Kineosporia babensis Sakiyama et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Kineosporia mesophila Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Kineosporiaceae Zhi et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 3)

Kineosporiineae Zhi et al. 2009, subord. nov. (Part 3)

Kitasatospora atroaurantiaca (Nakagaito et al. 1993) Li et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Streptomyces atroaurantiacus Nakagaito et al. 1993. (Part 7)

Kitasatospora kazusensis corrig. Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Kitasatospora saccharophila Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Kocuria gwangalliensis Seo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Kocuria halotolerans Tang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Kosmotoga DiPippo et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Kosmotoga olearia DiPippo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Kushneria Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Kushneria aurantia Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Kushneria avicenniae (Soto-Ramírez et al. 2007) Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Halomonas avicenniae Soto-Ramírez et al. 2007. (Part 2)

Kushneria indalinina (Cabrera et al. 2007) Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Halomonas indalinina Cabrera et al. 2007. (Part 2)

Kushneria marisflavi (Yoon et al. 2001) Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Halomonas marisflavi corrig. Yoon et al. 2001. (Part 2)

Kytococcus aerolatus Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Lacibacter Qu et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Lacibacter cauensis Qu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Lacticigenium Iino et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 4)

Lacticigenium naphtae Iino et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Haakensen et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Lactobacillus aquaticus Mañes-Lázaro et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Lactobacillus cacaonum De Bruyne et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Lactobacillus dextrinicus (Coster and White 1964) Haakensen et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Pediococcus dextrinicus (Coster and White 1964) Back 1978 (Approved Lists 1980). (Part 3)

Lactobacillus fabifermentans De Bruyne et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Lactobacillus kisonensis Watanabe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Lactobacillus nodensis Kashiwagi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Lactobacillus oeni Mañes-Lázaro et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Lactobacillus otakiensis Watanabe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Lactobacillus rapi Watanabe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Lactobacillus sucicola Irisawa and Okada 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Lactobacillus sunkii Watanabe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Lactobacillus taiwanensis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Lactobacillus tucceti Chenoll et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Lactobacillus uvarum Mañes-Lázaro et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Leeuwenhoekiella palythoae Nedashkovskaya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Leifsonia Evtushenko et al. 2000 emend. Dastager et al. 2009. (Part 1)

Leifsonia antarctica Pindi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Leifsonia kafniensis Pindi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Leifsonia kribbensis Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Leptobacterium Mitra et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Leptobacterium flavescens Mitra et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Leptospira kmetyi Slack et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Leptospira licerasiae Matthias et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Leucobacter chironomi Halpern et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Leuconostoc palmae Ehrmann et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Lewinella antarctica Oh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Lishizhenia tianjinensis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Lutaonella Arun et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Lutaonella thermophila Arun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Luteibacter anthropi Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Luteibacter yeojuensis (Kim et al. 2006) Kämpfer et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Dyella yeojuensis Kim et al. 2006. (Part 11)

Luteimonas aestuarii Roh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Lutimaribacter Yoon et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 1)

Lutimaribacter saemankumensis Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Lysinibacillus parviboronicapiens Miwa et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Lysobacter oryzae Aslam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Lysobacter panaciterrae Ten et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Lysobacter ximonensis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Maribacter antarcticus Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Maribaculum Lai et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Maribaculum marinum Lai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Marinactinospora Tian et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Marinactinospora thermotolerans Tian et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Marinifilum Na et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Marinifilum fragile Na et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Marinimicrobium Lim et al. 2006 emend. Yoon et al. 2009. (Part 9)

Marinimicrobium locisalis Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Marinobacter lacisalsi Aguilera et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Marinobacter santoriniensis Handley et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Marinobacter szutsaonensis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Marinobacterium maritimum Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Marinobacterium nitratireducens Huo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Marinobacterium sediminicola Huo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Marinococcus Hao et al. 1985 emend. Wang et al. 2009. (Part 11)

Marinococcus luteus Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Marinomonas arenicola Romanenko et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Marinoscillum Seo et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Marinoscillum furvescens (ex Lewin 1969) Seo et al. 2009, nom. rev., comb. nov. (Part 5)

Marinoscillum pacificum Seo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Marinospirillum celere Namsaraev et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Marispirillum Lai et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 6)

Marispirillum indicum Lai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Maritalea Hwang et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 3)

Maritalea myrionectae Hwang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Maritimimonas Park et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Maritimimonas rapanae Park et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Marivita Hwang et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Marivita cryptomonadis Hwang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Marivita litorea Hwang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Massilia niabensis Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Massilia niastensis Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Mesorhizobium australicum Nandasena et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Mesorhizobium metallidurans Vidal et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Mesorhizobium opportunistum Nandasena et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Mesorhizobium shangrilense Lu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Methanofollis ethanolicus Imachi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Methanolobus profundi Mochimaru et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Methanolobus zinderi Doerfert et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Methanosphaerula Cadillo-Quiroz et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Methanosphaerula palustris Cadillo-Quiroz et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Methylibium Nakatsu et al. 2006 emend. Stackebrandt et al. 2009. (Part 10)

Methylibium petroleiphilum Nakatsu et al. 2006 emend. Stackebrandt et al. 2009. (Part 10)

Methylobacterium phyllosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Methylophilus rhizosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Methylovirgula Vorob'ev et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Methylovirgula ligni Vorob'ev et al. 2009, sp. nov.  (Part 10)

Microbacteriaceae Park et al. 1995 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Microbacterium binotii Clermont et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Microbacterium insulae Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Microbacterium invictum Vaz-Moreira et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Microbacterium paraoxydans Laffineur et al. 2003 emend. Buczolits et al. 2008. (Part 7)

Microbispora siamensis Boondaeng et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Microbulbifer donghaiensis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Microbulbifer epialgicus Nishijima et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Microbulbifer variabilis Nishijima et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Micrococcaceae Pribram 1929 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Micrococcineae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Micrococcus endophyticus Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Micrococcus yunnanensis Zhao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Micromonosporaceae Krasil'nikov 1938 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Micromonosporineae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Microvirga Kanso and Patel 2003 emend. Zhang et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Microvirga guangxiensis Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Moraxella pluranimalium Vela et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Moritellaceae Ivanova et al. 2004 emend. Hosoya et al. 2009. (Part 2)

Mucilaginibacter daejeonensis An et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Mucilaginibacter oryzae Jeon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Mucilaginibacter ximonensis Luo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Muricauda Bruns et al. 2001 emend. Hwang et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Muricauda lutaonensis Arun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Muricauda olearia Hwang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Muricoccus Kämpfer et al. 2003 pro synon. Roseomonas Rihs et al. 1998. (Part 5)

Mycobacteriaceae Chester 1897 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Mycobacterium aromaticivorans Hennessee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Mycobacterium bouchedurhonense Ben Salah et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Mycobacterium crocinum Hennessee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Mycobacterium insubricum Tortoli et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Mycobacterium kyorinense Okazaki et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Mycobacterium mantenii van Ingen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Mycobacterium marseillense Ben Salah et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Mycobacterium noviomagense van Ingen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Mycobacterium pallens Hennessee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Mycobacterium riyadhense van Ingen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Mycobacterium rufum Hennessee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Mycobacterium rutilum Hennessee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Mycobacterium timonense Ben Salah et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Mycobacterium vulneris van Ingen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Mycoplasma leachii Manso-Silván et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri (Edward 1953) Freundt 1955 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Manso-Silván et al. 2009. (Part 6)

Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (Borrel et al. 1910) Freundt 1955 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Manso-Silván et al. 2009. (Part 6)

Myroides profundi Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Myxococcus Thaxter 1892 emend. Lang and Stackebrandt 2009. (Part 8)

Nakamurellaceae Tao et al. 2004 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Natranaerobius trueperi Mesbah and Wiegel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Natrialba Kamekura and Dyall-Smith 1996 emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Natronincola ferrireducens Zavarzina et al. 2009 (complete authorship reads Zavarzina, Tourova and Osipov), sp. nov. (Part 11)

Natronincola peptidivorans corrig. Zhilina et al. 2009 (complete authorship reads Zhilina, Tourova and Osipov), sp. nov. (Part 11)

Natronobacillus Sorokin et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 1)

Natronobacillus azotifigens Sorokin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Natronorubrum Xu et al. 1999 emend. Oren et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Natronovirga Mesbah and Wiegel 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Natronovirga wadinatrunensis Mesbah and Wiegel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Nautella Vandecandelaere et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 4)

Nautella italica Vandecandelaere et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Nautilia abyssi Alain et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Nesterenkonia alba Luo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Niabella ginsengisoli Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Niabella yanshanensis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Nitratireductor basaltis Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Nitratireductor kimnyeongensis Kang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Nitriliruptor Sorokin et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Nitriliruptor alkaliphilus Sorokin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Nitriliruptoraceae Sorokin et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 2)

Nitriliruptorales Sorokin et al. 2009, ord. nov. (Part 2)

Nocardia blacklockiae Conville et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Nocardia iowensis Lamm et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Nocardia jinanensis Sun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Nocardia wallacei Conville et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Nocardiaceae Castellani and Chalmers 1919 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Nocardioidaceae Nesterenko et al. 1990 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Nocardioides basaltis Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Nocardioides caeni Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Nocardioides dilutus corrig. Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Nocardioides ginsengisoli Cui et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Nocardioides halotolerans Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Nocardioides humi Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Nocardioides islandensis corrig. Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Nocardioides sediminis Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Nocardioides terrae Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Nocardioides tritolerans Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Nocardiopsaceae Rainey et al. 1996 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Nocardiopsis litoralis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Nocardiopsis potens Yassin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Nonomuraea antimicrobica Qin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Nonomuraea candida le Roes and Meyers 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Novosphingobium acidiphilum Glaeser et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Novosphingobium indicum Yuan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Novosphingobium mathurense Gupta et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Novosphingobium panipatense Gupta et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Oceanibaculum Lai et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Oceanibaculum indicum Lai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Oceanicola pacificus Yuan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Oceanobacillus kapialis Namwong et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Oceanobacillus sojae corrig. Tominaga et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Oxalicibacterium faecigallinarum Sahin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Oxalicibacterium horti Sahin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Paenibacillus cellulositrophicus Akaracharanya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Paenibacillus contaminans Chou et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Paenibacillus harenae Jeon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Paenibacillus macquariensis subsp. defensor Hoshino et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 8)

Paenibacillus macquariensis subsp. macquariensis (Marshall and Ohye 1966) Ash et al. 1994, subsp. nov. (Part 8)

Paenibacillus montaniterrae Khianngam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Paenibacillus nanensis Khianngam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Paenibacillus pectinilyticus Park et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Paenibacillus pueri Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Paenibacillus septentrionalis Khianngam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Paenibacillus siamensis Khianngam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Paenibacillus sonchi Hong et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Paenibacillus thailandensis Khianngam et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Paenibacillus tundrae Nelson et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Paenibacillus xylanexedens Nelson et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Paenisporosarcina Krishnamurthi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 6)

Paenisporosarcina macmurdoensis (Reddy et al. 2003) Krishnamurthi et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Sporosarcina macmurdoensis Reddy et al. 2003. (Part 6)

Paenisporosarcina quisquiliarum Krishnamurthi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pantoea anthophila Brady et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Pantoea deleyi Brady et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Pantoea eucalypti Brady et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Pantoea vagans Brady et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Parabacteroides gordonii Sakamoto et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Paracoccus aestuarii Roh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Paracoccus chinensis Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Paracoccus saliphilus Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Paraeggerthella Würdemann et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 6)

Paraeggerthella hongkongensis (Lau et al. 2006) Würdemann et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Eggerthella hongkongensis Lau et al. 2006. (Part 6)

Paraliobacillus quinghaiensis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Paramoritella Hosoya et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Paramoritella alkaliphila Hosoya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Paraoerskovia Khan et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Paraoerskovia marina Khan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Paraprevotella Morotomi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Paraprevotella clara Morotomi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Paraprevotella xylaniphila Morotomi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Parasegetibacter Zhang et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Parasegetibacter luojiensis Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Parasutterella Nagai et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Parasutterella excrementihominis Nagai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Parvularcula lutaonensis Arun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Patulibacter Takahashi et al. 2006 emend. Reddy and Garcia-Pichel 2009. (Part 1)

Patulibacter americanus Reddy and Garcia-Pichel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Patulibacteraceae Takahashi et al. 2006 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Pediococcus lolii Doi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Pedobacter alluvionis Gordon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Pedobacter borealis Gordon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Pedobacter composti Lee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Pedobacter daechungensis An et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Pedobacter nyackensis Gordon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Pedobacter oryzae Jeon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Pelagibius Choi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 4)

Pelagibius litoralis Choi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Persicivirga O'Sullivan et al. 2006 emend. Nedashkovskaya et al. 2009. (Part 4)

Persicivirga dokdonensis (Yoon et al. 2006) Nedashkovskaya et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Donghaeana dokdonensis Yoon et al. 2006. (Part 4)

Persicivirga xylanidelens O'Sullivan et al. 2006 emend. Nedashkovskaya et al. 2009. (Part 4)

Phaeobacter caeruleus Vandecandelaere et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Phaeospirillum chandramohanii Anil Kumar et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Phaselicystidaceae Garcia et al. 2009 (complete authorship reads Garcia, Reichenbach and Müller), fam. nov. (Part 6)

Phaselicystis Garcia et al. 2009 (complete authorship reads Garcia, Reichenbach and Müller), gen. nov. (Part 6)

Phaselicystis flava Garcia et al. 2009 (complete authorship reads Garcia, Reichenbach and Müller), sp. nov. (Part 6)

Phocaeicola Al Masalma et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Phocaeicola abscessus Al Masalma et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Photobacterium aquimaris Yoshizawa et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pigmentiphaga litoralis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Piscibacillus halophilus Amoozegar et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Piscinibacter Stackebrandt et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Piscinibacter aquaticus (Song and Cho 2007) Stackebrandt et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Methylibium aquaticum Song and Cho 2007. (Part 10)

Planobacterium Peng et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Planobacterium taklimakanense Peng et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Planomicrobium flavidum Jung et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Planomicrobium glaciei Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Planomicrobium stackebrandtii (Mayilraj et al. 2005) Jung et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Planococcus stackebrandtii Mayilraj et al. 2005. (Part 12)

Planotetraspora Runmao et al. 1993 emend. Suriyachadkun et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Planotetraspora thailandica Suriyachadkun et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Plantactinospora Qin et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Plantactinospora mayteni Qin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Polynucleobacter Heckmann and Schmidt 1987 emend. Hahn et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Polynucleobacter necessarius Heckmann and Schmidt 1987 emend. Hahn et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Polynucleobacter necessarius subsp. asymbioticus Hahn et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 8)

Polynucleobacter necessarius subsp. necessarius Heckmann and Schmidt 1987, subsp. nov. (Part 8)

Pontibacillus halophilus Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Ponticaulis Kang and Lee 2009, gen. nov. (Part 12)

Ponticaulis koreensis Kang and Lee 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Porphyromonas bennonis Summanen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Prauserella aidingensis Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Prauserella flava Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Prauserella salsuginis Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Prauserella sediminis Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Prevotella falsenii Sakamoto et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Prevotella micans Downes et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Promicromonospora flava Jiang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Promicromonosporaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Propionibacteriaceae Delwiche 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Propionibacterineae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Propionibacterium acidifaciens Downes and Wade 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Prosthecomicrobium consociatum Vasil'eva et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Prosthecomicrobium mishustinii Vasil'eva et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Proteocatella Pikuta et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Proteocatella sphenisci Pikuta et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Providencia burhodogranariea Juneja and Lazzaro 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Providencia sneebia Juneja and Lazzaro 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Pseudidiomarina donghaiensis Wu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pseudidiomarina homiensis (Kwon et al. 2006) Jean et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Idiomarina homiensis Kwon et al. 2006. (Part 1)

Pseudidiomarina marina Jean et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Pseudidiomarina maritima Wu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pseudidiomarina salinarum (Yoon et al. 2007) Jean et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Idiomarina salinarum Yoon et al. 2007. (Part 1)

Pseudidiomarina tainanensis Jean et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Pseudochrobactrum lubricantis Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Pseudoclavibacter soli Kim and Jung 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Pseudomonas brassicacearum Achouak et al. 2000 emend. Ivanova et al. 2009. (Part 10)

Pseudomonas brassicacearum subsp. brassicacearum Achouak et al. 2000, subsp. nov.  (Part 10)

Pseudomonas brassicacearum subsp. neoaurantiaca Ivanova et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 10)

Pseudomonas caeni Xiao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Pseudomonas cedrina corrig. Dabboussi et al. 2002 emend. Behrendt et al. 2009. (Part 6)

Pseudomonas cedrina subsp. cedrina Dabboussi et al. 2002, subsp. nov. (Part 6)

Pseudomonas cedrina subsp. fulgida Behrendt et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 6)

Pseudomonas cuatrocienegasensis Escalante et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pseudomonas pelagia Hwang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Pseudomonas sabulinigri Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Pseudomonas tuomuerensis Xin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Pseudomonas xinjiangensis Liu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pseudonocardia acaciae Duangmal et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pseudonocardia endophytica Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Pseudonocardia parietis Schäfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Pseudonocardiaceae Embley et al. 1989 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Pseudonocardineae Stackebrandt et al. 1997 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Pseudorhodoferax Bruland et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Pseudorhodoferax caeni Bruland et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Pseudorhodoferax soli Bruland et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Pseudozobellia Nedashkovskaya et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 4)

Pseudozobellia thermophila Nedashkovskaya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Psychrilyobacter Zhao et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 3)

Psychrilyobacter atlanticus Zhao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Psychrobacter fulvigenes Romanenko et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Psychrobacter lutiphocae Yassin and Busse 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Psychroflexus salinarum Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Psychroflexus sediminis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Psychromonas agarivorans Hosoya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Pyramidobacter Downes et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Pyramidobacter piscolens Downes et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Rarobacteraceae Stackebrandt and Schumann 2000 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Rhizobacter Goto and Kuwata 1988 emend. Stackebrandt et al. 2009. (Part 10)

Rhizobacter dauci corrig. Goto and Kuwata 1988 emend. Stackebrandt et al. 2009. (Part 10)

Rhizobacter fulvus (Yoon et al. 2007) Stackebrandt et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Methylibium fulvum Yoon et al. 2007. (Part 10)

Rhizobium alamii Berge et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Rhizobium alkalisoli Lu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Rhizobium mesosinicum Lin et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Rhizobium tibeticum Hou et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Rhodanobacter ginsenosidimutans An et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Rhodobaca barguzinensis Boldareva et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Rhodobacter aestuarii Venkata Ramana et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Rhodobium Hiraishi et al. 1995 emend. Urdiain et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Rhodobium gokarnense Srinivas et al. 2007 emend. Urdiain et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Rhodobium orientis Hiraishi et al. 1995 emend. Urdiain et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Rhodoplanes pokkaliisoli Lakshmi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Rhodoplanes serenus Okamura et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Rhodovulum lacipunicei Chakravarthy et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Rivibacter Stackebrandt et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Rivibacter subsaxonicus (Stackebrandt et al. 2008) Stackebrandt et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Methylibium subsaxonicum Stackebrandt et al. 2008. (Part 10)

Robinsoniella Cotta et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 1)

Robinsoniella peoriensis Cotta et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Roseibaca Labrenz et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Roseibaca ekhonensis Labrenz et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Roseinatronobacter monicus Boldareva et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Roseococcus suduntuyensis Boldareva et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Roseomonas Rihs et al. 1998 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas aquatica Gallego et al. 2006 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas cervicalis Rihs et al. 1998 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas frigidaquae Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Roseomonas gilardii Rihs et al. 1998 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas gilardii subsp. gilardii Rihs et al. 1998 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas gilardii subsp. rosea Han et al. 2003 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas lacus Jiang et al. 2006 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas ludipueritiae (Kämpfer et al. 2003) Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Teichococcus ludipueritiae Kämpfer et al. 2003. (Part 5)

Roseomonas mucosa Han et al. 2003 emend. Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Roseomonas rosea (Kämpfer et al. 2003) Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, comb. nov. (illegitimate new combination). - Basonym Muricoccus roseus Kämpfer et al. 2003. (Part 5)

Roseovarius halotolerans Oh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Roseovarius pacificus Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Rubellimicrobium aerolatum Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Rubrobacteraceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Rubrobacterales Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Reddy and Garcia-Pichel 2009. (Part 1)

Rubrobacterales Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Rubrobacteridae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Rudaea Weon et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Rudaea cellulosilytica Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Rugosimonospora Monciardini et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Rugosimonospora acidiphila Monciardini et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Rugosimonospora africana Monciardini et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Rummeliibacillus Vaishampayan et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Rummeliibacillus pycnus (Nakamura et al. 2002) Vaishampayan et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Bacillus pycnus Nakamura et al. 2002. (Part 5)

Rummeliibacillus stabekisii Vaishampayan et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Saccharibacillus kuerlensis Yang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Saccharopolyspora halophila Tang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Saccharopolyspora jiangxiensis Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Saccharopolyspora qijiaojingensis Tang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Saccharopolyspora rosea Yassin 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Saccharopolyspora tripterygii Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Saccharospirillum salsuginis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Saccharothrix violaceirubra Otoguro et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Salimicrobium flavidum Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Salinicoccus albus Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Salinihabitans Yoon et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Salinihabitans flavidus Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Salinisphaera Antunes et al. 2003 emend. Crespo-Medina et al. 2009. (Part 6)

Salinisphaera hydrothermalis Crespo-Medina et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Salinivibrio siamensis Chamroensaksri et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Salisaeta Vaisman and Oren 2009, gen. nov. (Part 10)

Salisaeta longa Vaisman and Oren 2009, sp. nov.  (Part 10)

Sanguibacteraceae Stackebrandt and Schumann 2000 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Schumannella An et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 1)

Schumannella luteola An et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Sciscionella Tian et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Sciscionella marina Tian et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Sediminibacillus Carrasco et al. 2008 emend.Wang et al. 2009. (Part 7)

Sediminibacillus albus Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Sediminimonas Wang et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 7)

Sediminimonas qiaohouensis Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Segniliparaceae Butler et al. 2005 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Sejongia Yi et al. 2005 pro synon. Chryseobacterium Vandamme et al. 1994. (Part 9)

Selenomonas bovis Zhang and Dong 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Seohaeicola Yoon et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Seohaeicola saemankumensis Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Serinibacter Hamada et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Serinibacter salmoneus Hamada et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Serratia nematodiphila Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Shewanella chilikensis Sucharita et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Shewanella marina Park et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Shewanella vesiculosa Bozal et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Shinella An et al. 2006 emend. Matsui et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Shinella yambaruensis Matsui et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Sinomonas Zhou et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Sinomonas atrocyanea (Kuhn and Starr 1960) Zhou et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Arthrobacter atrocyaneus Kuhn and Starr 1960 (Approved Lists 1980). (Part 2)

Sinomonas flava Zhou et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Skermanella xinjiangensis An et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Slackia isoflavoniconvertens Matthies et al 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Solibacillus Krishnamurthi et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Solibacillus silvestris (Rheims et al. 1999) Krishnamurthi et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Bacillus silvestris Rheims et al. 1999. (Part 5)

Solirubrobacteraceae Stackebrandt 2005 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Solirubrobacterales Reddy and Garcia-Pichel 2009, ord. nov. (Part 1)

Solitalea Weon et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 8)

Solitalea canadensis (Christensen 1980) Weon et al. 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Flexibacter canadensis Christensen 1980. (Part 8)

Solitalea koreensis Weon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Sphaerisporangium corrig. Ara and Kudo 2007 emend. Cao et al. 2009. (Part 7)

Sphaerisporangium album Cao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Sphaerisporangium flaviroseum Cao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Sphingobium abikonense Kumari et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Sphingobium chinhatense Dadhwal et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Sphingobium lactosutens Kumari et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Sphingobium ummariense Singh and Lal 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Sphingobium vermicomposti Vaz-Moreira et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Sphingomonas aestuarii Roh et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Sphingomonas hankookensis Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Sphingomonas japonica Romanenko et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Sphingomonas sanxanigenens Huang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Spirillum Ehrenberg 1832 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Podkopaeva et al. 2009. (Part 11)

Spirillum winogradskyi Podkopaeva et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Spirochaeta Ehrenberg 1835 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Pikuta et al. 2009. (Part 7)

Spirochaeta dissipatitropha Pikuta et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Spirosoma Migula 1894 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Finster et al. 2009. (Part 4)

Spirosoma luteum Finster et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Spirosoma panaciterrae Ten et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Spirosoma spitsbergense Finster et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Spongiibacter tropicus Hwang and Cho 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Sporichthyaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Sporolituus Ogg and Patel 2009, gen. nov. (Part 11)

Sporolituus thermophilus Ogg and Patel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Sporosarcina luteola Tominaga et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Stackebrandtia Labeda and Kroppenstedt 2005 emend. Wang et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Stackebrandtia albiflava Wang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. gallolyticus Osawa et al. 1996 emend. Beck et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. pasteurianus (Poyart et al. 2002) Schlegel et al. 2003 emend. Beck et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Streptococcus infantarius subsp. coli Schlegel et al. 2003 emend. Beck et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Streptococcus merionis Tappe et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Streptococcus plurextorum Vela et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Streptomonospora amylolytica Cai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Streptomonospora flavalba Cai et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Streptomyces alni Liu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Streptomyces atriruber Labeda et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Streptomyces avicenniae Xiao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Streptomyces axinellae Pimentel-Elardo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Streptomyces baliensis Otoguro et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Streptomyces gulbargensis Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Streptomyces hypolithicus Le Roes-Hill et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Streptomyces marokkonensis Bouizgarne et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Streptomyces mayteni Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Streptomyces nanshensis Tian et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Streptomyces plumbiresistens Guo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Streptomyces polyantibioticus le Roes-Hill and Meyers 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Streptomyces sedi Li et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Streptomyces silaceus Labeda et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Streptomyces thinghirensis Loqman et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Streptomyces tritolerans Dastager et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Streptomyces xiamenensis Xu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Streptomyces xinghaiensis Zhao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Streptomycetaceae Waksman and Henrici 1943 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Streptomycineae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Streptosporangiaceae Goodfellow et al. 1990 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Streptosporangineae Ward-Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Ward-Rainey, Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Streptosporangium canum Zhang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Sulfobacillus Golovacheva and Karavaiko 1991 emend. Johnson et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Sulfobacillus benefaciens Johnson et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 1)

Synergistaceae Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009, fam. nov. (Part 5)

Synergistales Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009, ord. nov. (Part 5)

Synergistia Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009, class. nov. (Part 5)

Syntrophomonadaceae Zhao et al. 1993 emend. Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009. (Part 5)

Teichococcus Kämpfer et al. 2003 pro synon. Roseomonas Rihs et al. 1998. (Part 5)

Tenacibaculum crassostreae Lee et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Tepidimicrobium Slobodkin et al. 2006 emend. Niu et al. 2009. (Part 11)

Tepidimicrobium xylanilyticum Niu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Terrabacter terrigena Yoon et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Terribacillus goriensis (Kim et al. 2007) Krishnamurthi and Chakrabarti 2009, comb. nov. - Basonym: Pelagibacillus goriensis Kim et al. 2007. (Part 1)

Tessaracoccus lubricantis Kämpfer et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Tetrathiobacter Ghosh et al. 2005 pro synon. Advenella Coenye et al. 2005. (Part 8)

Thalassobacillus cyri Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Thalassobacter arenae Kim et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Thalassomonas actiniarum Hosoya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Thalassomonas haliotis Hosoya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 4)

Thauera butanivorans Dubbels et al. 2009 ex Takahashi et al. 1980, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Thermoactinomycetaceae Matsuo et al. 2006 emend. Yassin et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Thermodesulfovibrio hydrogeniphilus Haouari et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Thermoleophilaceae Stackebrandt 2005 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Thermoleophilales Reddy and Garcia-Pichel 2009, ord. nov. (Part 1)

Thermomonosporaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Thermotalea Ogg and Patel 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Thermotalea metallivorans Ogg and Patel 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Thermus islandicus Bjornsdottir et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Thioalkalibacter Banciu et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 5)

Thioalkalibacter halophilus Banciu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Thiobacillus thiophilus Kellermann and Griebler 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)

Thiohalocapsa marina Anil Kumar et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Thiomonas bhubaneswarensis Panda et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Thiothrix caldifontis Chernousova et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Thiothrix lacustris Chernousova et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Tindallia texcoconensis Alazard et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Treponema pedis Evans et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 5)

Tropicibacter Harwati et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Tropicibacter naphthalenivorans Harwati et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Tropicimonas Harwati et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Tropicimonas isoalkanivorans Harwati et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Tsukamurella carboxydivorans Park et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Tsukamurellaceae Rainey et al. 1997 (complete authorship reads Rainey, Ward-Rainey and Stackebrandt) emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Verrucosispora lutea Liao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Vibrio aestuarianus Tison and Seidler 1983 emend. Garnier et al. 2008. (Part 1)

Vibrio azureus Yoshizawa et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Vibrio breoganii Beaz Hidalgo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Vibrio gallaecicus Beaz-Hidalgo et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 7)

Vibrio hangzhouensis Xu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Virgibacillus arcticus Niederberger et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Virgibacillus salinus Carrasco et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 12)

Virgibacillus sediminis Chen et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Vogesella lacus Chou et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 10)

Winogradskyella arenosi Romanenko et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Winogradskyella echinorum Nedashkovskaya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 6)

Winogradskyella rapida Pinhassi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Xanthomonas citri (ex Hasse 1915) Gabriel et al. 1989 emend. Ah-You et al. 2009. (Part 2)

Xanthomonas fuscans Schaad et al. 2007 pro synon. Xanthomonas citri (ex Hasse 1915) Gabriel et al. 1989. (Part 2)

Xenorhabdus indica Somvanshi et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 11)

Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa Wells et al. 1987, subsp. nov. (Part 5)

Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex Schaad et al. 2009, subsp. nov. (Part 5)

Yaniellaceae Li et al. 2008 emend. Zhi et al. 2009. (Part 3)

Zavarzinella Kulichevskaya et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 2)

Zavarzinella formosa Kulichevskaya et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 2)

Zhangella Xu et al. 2009, gen. nov. (Part 9)

Zhangella mobilis Xu et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 9)

Zhihengliuella Zhang et al. 2007 emend. Tang et al. 2009. (Part 8)

Zhihengliuella alba Tang et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 8)

Zoogloea caeni Shao et al. 2009, sp. nov. (Part 3)


Names of taxa included in the category Phylum (not covered by the Rules)

Caldiserica Mori et al. 2009, phyl. nov. (Part 11)

Synergistetes Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009, phyl. nov. (Part 5)


Names of taxa included in the category Candidatus (not covered by the Rules)

"Candidatus Aquiluna rubra" Hahn 2009. (Part 1)

"Candidatus Flaviluna lacus" Hahn 2009. (Part 1)

"Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" Liefting et al. 2009. (Part 9)

"Candidatus Limnoluna rubra" Hahn 2009. (Part 1)

"Candidatus Phytoplasma tamaricis" Zhao et al. 2009. (Part 10)

"Candidatus Planktoluna difficilis" Hahn 2009. (Part 1)

"Candidatus Planktophila limnetica" Jezbera et al. 2009. (Part 11)

"Candidatus Rhodoluna lacicola" Hahn 2009. (Part 1)

"Candidatus Rhodoluna limnophila" Hahn 2009. (Part 1)

"Candidatus Rhodoluna planktonica" Hahn 2009. (Part 1)

